Reflection on Language (Essay Sample)

📌Category: Language and Linguistics, Science
📌Words: 456
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 12 October 2022

Language is the written and verbal manifestation and reflection of any group of people. This statement, as quoted by the speaker, Grant Cho, created a huge impact on me as a user of language. It made me realize that language is more than the systematic structuring and arranging of verbal and non-verbal forms of communication. As the videos have suggested, language is such a powerful concept that it can be equated with culture, as well as culture with language. 

The two speakers emphasized and simplified the different purposes of language through varying linguistic contexts. As they had stated from their own perspectives, language symbolizes the identity of the speech community and a linguistic tool to connect with other people regardless of their distinct languages from their characteristics, designs, and features. The two speakers presented clear and reflective arguments with the help of their word usage, manner of speech delivery, and their transition from one idea to another. Everything from their speeches was cohesive and comprehensive, making me understand what language really is. Both of them also accentuated the integral role of language in every community. One of the speakers even made an analogy that language is as important as food and water for survival. And that statement hit me. I feel like I’ve been taking language for granted for so long that I was not able to give it the importance it deserves.

As a learner of the Japanese language for 4 years, I realized that a language is like a passage to know about one’s culture and history. For instance, the kanji characters of the Japanese language were derived from Chinese characters when the Japanese authorities sent Japanese scholars to China after the war in order to acquire new ideas for the improvement of their civilization and society. As I delved and focused myself on my Japanese language journey, I learned more about the culture, heritage, and traditions of the Japanese people, making me comprehend why they behave in certain ways. I believe that learning a new language is always accompanied by new perspectives and cultural lenses, contributing to a multi-ethnic and peaceful community.

Conclusively, a language is an ever-changing dynamic of word systems that also affects us people, considering that it is modified every now and then in order to designate new terms for the needs and new ideas of the people. However, even with the continuous societal modifications of our world in terms of linguistic, economic, and other aspects, we should not stop using our native language just to adapt to the changes. One of the speeches also stated that every 14 days, a language dies because the speech community that owns that language decides to abandon their own language in order to study mainstream languages such as Chinese, English, and Spanish. for me, is very alarming, knowing that when a language dies, every accompanying aspect of it, which are the culture, heritage, and traditions of the speech community, will also die.

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