Reflective Essay on Change

📌Category: Philosophy
📌Words: 323
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 06 October 2022

The one thing that all beings have in common is change. It is inevitable, natural, and necessary. However, many people or organizations will choose to stay within their comfort zones, disregarding the potential to grow better. 

Change is the transition of stages, the transforming of beings, or even the innovation of ideas. Although change is multivarious, it all comes down to whether you make it assertively or passively. Passive changes are usually the last resort. It is a forced and ineffective shift. In opposition, assertive changes are confident and strategic. These are often life-changing decisions or business strategies. Furthermore, paring business strategies with discipline is an efficient way to grow an enterprise. Consequently, this method leads firms to self-aware and precise operations, which are organizational changes.

As the world evolves, the number of change-makers grows day by day. They are intuitive, sensible, and capable of dealing with future changes. By understanding the ever-changing nature of everything, change-makers thrive on change. Moreover, they consider the transition period more of a chance than a challenge. This insight is passed on to others, and a connection gradually forms between the agents of change. Change-makers inspire other people to embrace uncertainty while also maintaining the confidence to handle it. Accordingly, this humble yet confident way of approaching problems helps them convince stakeholders, leading their organizations to success.

It is of the utmost importance that we always cultivate ourselves in terms of knowledge and skills. While change is natural, turning this instinct into a skill is even more helpful. As individuals, improving our insights into seeing the bigger picture and bringing it to life is one of our greatest gifts. So don't be afraid of moving to a new place, leaving your old job, or even opening your own business. After all, change is the motivation for flourishing. We can not stop moving forward just because we are content. Being satisfied with the present doesn't mean giving up striving for the future. As the saying goes, nothing lasts forever. So why not ride the waves of change that may lead to new horizons, where the possibilities are endless?

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