Reflective Essay on The Positive Effects of War

📌Category: War
📌Words: 440
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 31 January 2022

Is war only a good thing that brings no good? No, because our country is the place it is today Specifically because of war. The United States of America is the country with the most freedom in the world, and that's destructive?

First, look at our Holidays. Citizens who live in the United States get to enjoy what a lot of others don't. The feeling of waking up on a cold early morning to see presents under the Christmas tree. Or eating a cozy Thanksgiving feast with the people you care most for. And you can't forget the chilling nights on Halloween with popcorn and movies. Our world would be a different place if it weren't for war, in some countries some families can't even control the temperature in their own house. Nowadays, people often forget how fortunate we really are for the people, places and things around us in out everyday lives. More importantly how we get the access to those things in the first place. If it weren't for war none of the same feelings and memories would be here.

Although, war brings a lot of good, there is still some bad that follows. War has brought many bad stories back home, many bad thoughts to individuals, and in some cases missing limbs or even worse like death. Also war has brought us to be at edge with other countries. But it's all for the same reason, to make our country the way it is and has been. Even tho we are not on the best terms with certain countries, we've also made allies. War may also bring back family problems whether it be constant moving from place to place or families being separated from each other. At the end of the day most things have pro's and con's, but the con's in the outcome of war don't outweigh the pro's.

Second, the choice to say no. In other countries, people don't have the right to freedom of speech or for their voice to be heard. The United States has a form of Government where everyone has a voice to be heard. Think about if you couldn't choose who would lead your country, or something as simple as buying or doing certain things. And the main reason United States citizens have all of this Liberty is because of the outcomes of war.

Lastly, we wouldn't have everything we have today. All the laughs, the memories, the Liberty, and the right to be heard and be ourselves. Think about some of the best memories you have, and question yourself would they still be there if it wasn't for war? Cherish the moments that were lived and will be lived in a free country. In other words, war is not only a destructive topic that only brings bad. Where would we be without war?

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