Reflective Essay Sample: Failure as the Key to Success

📌Category: Philosophy
📌Words: 385
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 08 June 2022

I believe that failure is the key to success. IFailure can give people a chance to learn from previous mistakes. Everyone has experienced failure at one point in their life. No one should be ashamed of failing. All successful people have failed at one point, and will fail again. I like to think of failure as an opportunity to reevaluate and come back even more experienced than last time.

Failure is how people learn, as shown via this quote “Do not be embarrassed by your failures; learn from them and start again.” A good portion of my life involves failure. For instance, when I was a lot younger I had taken a math test, and I had gotten a low grade. At the time, I was disappointed in myself, and was very upset. However, now that I look back on it, I realized that my failure had just been a chance to come back even stronger than before, and before I knew it I had aced the next test. The next time you are unhappy with a grade or something you have done, try thinking about what could have been  done better, and apply that to the next time something like that may happen. 

It is a frequent misunderstanding that failure is a dreadful thing. Some of my favorite quotes about failure have been “Success is good but failure is better. You must not let success get to your head, but also not let failure consume your heart. Know that, most times things don’t go as planned, and that's perfectly fine.” And “Failure is a redirection, it shows you where you shouldn’t be.” Many of the best and most important lessons learned in life come from the mistakes people have made/fixed in the past. Never be afraid to fail. Failure is the key to achievement in many methods along with sports activities.  A lot of the time when people are new to a sport they’ll  not be the greatest at it, but over time it is possible to learn from failure and turn it into prosperity.

Failure is part of success. There is value in failure.Failure simply makes people rethink, reconsider, and find new, more structured, efficient ways and strategies to achieve their goals. An example of this that I have experienced was missing a deadline on an important project. Although this was saddening, it only made me more motivated to do better on my next project, and be more successful than last time.

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