Reflective Essay Sample on Stereotypes

📌Category: Social Issues
📌Words: 457
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 09 October 2022

Stereotypes have always been relevant in my life, as many others. Some memories I have from a young age include my brother telling me I was too weak to play games or that I was not feminine enough to be a girl. As I grew older I still faced stereotypes, even in middle school. Boys would tell us girls to go clean or cook, in a joking but semi-serious way. Stereotypes have always been around, and I believe they will continue to be until the end of time. 

As we grow older within age, as well as experience, we change. Not only does this change happen physically, but mentally as well. This means the stereotypes and characteristics that we associate ourselves with change alongside us. To answer the question of what characteristics I identify with as a female, they change everyday. Some days I am more timid, shy, and anxious; whereas other days I am eager, devoted, and confident. I know better than to believe that is the case for only myself. Others also are changing on a daily basis, and the way they act, think, and feel also change. I personally believe stereotypes are useless. Yes, women do tend to be more charismatic, tender and loving, but so are men. When you look at the world, men tend to put up a wall to their emotions, due to the stereotypes that they are supposed to meet. 

Men are told from a young age that they are to be strong, dominant, firm, and ambitious. When they shut their door at the end of the night, what happens? Men also have feelings, can be tender, loving, and charismatic. Most do not show this side due to society telling them they have to align with the “standard” characteristics of a man. I do personally know men who I have never seen their “soft” side, and quite frankly do not believe they have one. This includes my father, who has never shown me tender care, or personal interest. Not only have I seen some men that have never shown these types of emotions, I also know some women. I also know others who are the complete opposite. 

This leads me to believe that stereotypes are nonsense. Why should women be considered these fragile, brittle and sensitive human beings, whereas men are seen as being superior? Is the difference the fact that men have a penis and women do not? Some stereotypes are true, yes, but partially because that is what society has led them to be. Characteristics of men and women are engraved into our heads from such a young age that that is how we are raised to act in public. 

As for a conclusion to my thoughts of stereotypes, I believe that we will never lose them. We have made a movement in society showing that women are stronger than others tend to believe, but we will always have to fight for our true identities.

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