Renewable Energy Essay Example

đź“ŚCategory: Energy
đź“ŚWords: 401
đź“ŚPages: 2
đź“ŚPublished: 18 June 2022

This message is regarding a solution to a problem that humanity will be facing soon, finding renewable and sustainable energy. You know more about this issue than anyone else, however, I believe giving context to this issue will better allow you to understand my solution. Since the industrial revolution, our primary source of energy has been fossil fuels such as coal, biomass, and natural gas. These energy sources powered inventions such as airplanes, steam engines, cars, and motorbikes. At the time, it was believed that we had enough energy to sustain ourselves for the foreseeable future. However, people at the time haven’t understood the impacts of using these energy sources on such a massive scale. The use of these energy sources caused two primary problems to become apparent. The first problem was, “If all our infrastructure and society relied upon these energy sources, wouldn’t our civilization be drastically impacted if we were to run out of these energy sources!”. Another problem was “These energy sources are causing major impacts to the ecosystem at a global scale, and these impacts are becoming more apparent through issues such as climate change, and major habitat loss.” To address this, major world governments began researching more sustainable, and green energy sources, during the 1880’s the first hydroelectric dam was opened, and in 1904 the first geothermal power-plant opened, and in the 1950’s the solar panel was invented. These renewable energy sources are better than their fossil fuel counterparts, however, I believe there is a more advanced, and more efficient energy source out there. This energy source isn’t found on Earth, but instead, it is located on the lunar surface. There the rare isotope of helium known as Helium-3 is extremely abundant and can easily be harvested. This form of helium can be used in the process of nuclear fission, a green process, and can provide an alternative to using uranium which is much rarer than Helium-3. Just 25 tons of Helium-3, the amount of space in the retired space shuttle, can provide enough energy to power America for an entire year. Mr. Musk, Helium-3 is such a versatile resource that humanity has left untapped for far too long. It is suspected that the moon holds more than 1.1 million tons of Helium-3, and this means there is enough Helium-3 to support America for more than 44 millennia. These are the reasons why I believe it is an obvious decision to develop ways to harvest and transport Helium-3 back to Earth. I sincerely hope we can work together to make this dream of a green, and sustainable humanity a reality.

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