Research Paper about Humanistic Theory

đź“ŚCategory: Philosophers, Philosophical Theories, Philosophy
đź“ŚWords: 486
đź“ŚPages: 2
đź“ŚPublished: 31 January 2022

The Humanistic theory emphasizes looking at free will, self-actualization, and self-efficiency, rather than looking at dysfunction, it tries to maximize a person's well-being and fulfill their potential (Cherry, 2020). Humanistic theory believes that people are initially good and that social or mental problems occur from deviations and that people are always looking for ways to grow (Cherry, 2020). 

The creation of humanistic theory is largely due to Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers. A major part of the humanistic theory is Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. The hierarchy of needs describes, in five original stages, what Maslow believed was necessary for a person's satisfaction and subsistence. The original five stages were meant to track human beings' development and growth. The five stages were psychological needs, safety needs, community and belonging, esteem, and self-actualization (Maslow's hierarchy of needs, 2015). 

Psychological needs, are the needs necessary to maintain life: food, water, and oxygen. Safety needs include health freedom of war, financial security, etc. Community and belonging are where the person focuses their need for love and community, such as friends, family, or romantic partners. Esteem is necessary for self-actualization, confidence, and acceptance from others. Finally, self-actualization; the ability to meet a person's true potential. Maslow later added a stage for cognitive and aesthetic needs. A person's cognitive needs can be fulfilled by learning or seeking knowledge or meaning and a person's aesthetic needs are the search for form, balance, and beauty. (Maslow's hierarchy of needs, 2015).  

Rogers is responsible for The Carl Rogers theory; a personality theory that shows the importance of self-actualization in shaping personalities (Mcleod, 1970). Rogers added that for a person to grow they need to be in a place that can give them genuineness, empathy, and acceptance. Rogers said that the five characteristics of a fully functioning person were being open to experience, existential living, trust feelings, creativity, and a fulfilled life (Mcleod, 1970). 

Although the humanistic theory has been useful in therapy, education, healthcare, and more, there is still significant criticism surrounding it. The theory is often seen as too subjective and the observations are unable to be verified and it is limited by the fact that it ignores biology, is ethnocentric towards western culture, is unscientific, and is humanist. 

When used in therapy, humanistic theory techniques can be used to treat depression, anxiety, panic disorders, personality disorders, schizophrenia, addiction, relationship issues, and help people struggling to find their true self or “wholeness” ("Humanistic Therapy," n.d). The humanistic theory focuses on individuality, the hierarchy of needs, authenticity, and phenomenology. The theory is used in self-worth, motivation, depression, and person-centered therapy and can give a better insight into behavior (Mcleod, 1970). 

The humanistic theory was referred to as the “third force” after behaviorism and psychoanalysis. It offered a new way of approaching and understanding human nature, it offered more methods of studying human behavior, and it offered more effective methods in the practice of psychotherapy (Mcleod, 1970).  

Cherry, K. (2020, April 9). How Humanistic Theories Are Used in Psychology. Retrieved from 

Humanistic Therapy. (n.d.). Retrieved from 

Maslow's hierarchy of needs. (2015, December 14). Retrieved from 

Mcleod, S. (1970, January 1). Humanistic Approach. Retrieved from 

Mcleod, S. (1970, January 1). Carl Rogers. Retrieved from

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