Research Paper about Hybrid Learning

📌Category: Education, Learning
📌Words: 913
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 17 February 2022

Currently, 5,340,108 students in the state of Texas are enrolled in public schools, and out of all these students, there have been 108,024 reported positive Coronavirus cases. These cases will only continue to rise if children are forced to attend face-to-face classes all because the state is not funding online learning. Because of the risk, some school districts are opting for different restrictions to minimize the spread (Texas Department of State Health Services). Hybrid learning should be offered by Texas schools because it provides children with the benefits from both online and face-to-face learning without risking the shutdown of schools and districts. 

Since the start of lockdowns, the way children are being taught has changed drastically, from in-person learning to all of a sudden being heavily reliant on technology. Along with these changes, there have been some problems and learning gaps created by online learning. One of the biggest issues is that not all students have access to the internet so it is hard for them to complete assignments and communicate with teachers when they have questions or concerns about the material given. Cheating is also a major issue with students because all the work is online. It is easy for students to look up the answers and even share them amongst each other. Although there are apps and browser extensions to prevent students from cheating it is not a hundred percent assured that a child is not cheating. The child could always have another device near or have answers written down out of sight. Online learning also comes with a greater amount of motivation than regular classes which can ultimately lead to a decline in their mental health. With children not fully learning and grasping the information being given it has caused a gap in their academic learning. The results from the Texas assessment show that:

Students who met math test expectations dropped by 32 percentage points, and the number of students who met reading expectations dropped by 9 percentage points compared to 2019, the last time the test was administered (Oxner).

With this, districts are forced to come up with solutions to minimize the gap before a new school year. Some districts, for example, Fort Worth ISD, have encouraged more families to opt for face-to-face classes despite the ongoing spread of the virus. Despite the negatives of online learning, if schools were to opt for hybrid learning it would drastically minimize the downsides of both online and in-person learning. Hybrid learning can provide students and teachers a well-rounded blend of online work and traditional in-person classrooms. It gives students the chance to interact with their peers and teachers while still maintaining some distance. It also gives them more flexibility than they would in a traditional classroom so there is less stress. Blended learning also gives teachers a chance to see the needs of their students and determine what the students need to succeed without having to worry about them not being able to turn in assignments (Oxner). 

Hybrid learning is providing an opportunity for the children to learn at their own pace and their preferred learning style. With blended learning, visual learners for example can benefit from being in a class by having the teacher show them a step-by-step process instead of just giving them an assignment. Another example is auditory learners. If they feel that they need help they can go to their online classes and check out videos and resources to listen to. This gives them a chance to better understand the information given. Students can learn at their own pace but still have accountability and time management. Those who believe that it is better to just do online do not understand the hassle of doing simple tasks like “Taking attendance now lasts more than twice the usual time, as teachers hunt for evidence that a student reached out or completed an assignment” (Swaby).

Hybrid learning also gives children the chance to interact with their classmates and teachers without much fear of the virus spreading. Mixed learning allows students to participate in normal classroom activities yet maintain virus protocols. It also allows the students to be involved in organizations and clubs. Some parents are against letting the children participate in organizations and sports because of the possible spread. If the right rules and standards are put in place like for example wearing masks when around teammates there should not be a fear of spread. If the parents are still worried about the spread then they have the option to not let their child be involved in any club or organization for their safety. Children should be given the chance to interact with their friends and classmates for the benefit of their mental health, And if the situation at home is not the best this would be a good option for them because they can get away and focus on their studies. Districts would also not have to worry about providing hotspots for those that do not have internet access at home because the children would be attending face-to-face some part of the day (Raise your hand Texas foundation).

Texas school districts should offer their students the chance to try blended learning. Hybrid learning can bring the benefits of being with a teacher and friends while also keeping in mind social distancing. It will also be a good solution to get around the issue of the state not wanting to fund online learning.

Works Cited

Oxner, R. (2021, June 28). Texas students' standardized test scores dropped dramatically during the pandemic, especially in math. The Texas Tribune. Retrieved October 13, 2021, from 

"What Is Blended Learning?" Raising Blended Learners, Raise Your Hand Texas, 2021, Accessed 21 Oct 2021.

Swaby, A. (2020, November 20). Many Texas families say remote learning isn't working and they want it fixed. The Texas Tribune. Retrieved October 13, 2021, from  

"Texas Public Schools COVID-19 Data". Texas Department of Health Services, Texas Health and Human Services, 2021, Accessed 21 Oct 2021.

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