Research Paper about Vaccines

📌Category: Coronavirus, Health, Medicine
📌Words: 750
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 29 January 2022

Ever since the COVID-19 happened and came into our lives in 2019 the talk about vaccines has increased, especially the topic of whether or not people should receive them. In 2020 the CDC and government announced they created three vaccines, Pfizer vaccine, Moderna vaccine, and Johnson and Johnson vaccine, for people to receive if they want and they would begin distributing them in December of 2020 for the coronavirus. The conversation of getting or not getting vaccines in general, not just the vaccines against covid-19, has created a huge divide in our society. A clear divide that can be seen that there is one side that is willing to get vaccines and trust and believe that they’ll work in protecting us against the coronavirus, while the other side believes vaccines don't work, that it will harm us more than help us get rid of the any disease or virus, and that it's a way for the government to gain more control over us. Jobs and schools nowadays ask for vaccine requirements and if they refuse then you will not be able to work there and won't be able to attend school. Many important people who don't want to get the vaccine begin to lose their jobs which is terrible especially for healthcare workers, nurses, because their jobs are most important and because of these losses there is a nursing shortage which has increased tremendously now because of the coronavirus vaccine mandate.

Many nurses and other healthcare professionals have been losing their jobs since they don't want to receive certain vaccines because of their beliefs and how they don't trust vaccines. Some Nurses and other people believe that there has not been much information behind the coronavirus vaccines, that there hasn't been enough research about it, and that other vaccines mostly make you more sick and potentially harm you more than help you. There's already a requirement for healthcare workers to receive certain vaccines especially every year every few years after getting them like for example they have to get the flu shot every year. If they don't then that will cause a huge problem because they are potentially putting their patients at risk and they might lose their jobs for refusing to receive it. Some people already see nurses as not important so they don't see it as a problem if there is a nursing shortage or not or if a bunch of nurses begin to get fired for refusing vaccines especially the recent one against covid-19. But it is a huge problem and those who clearly see it's a problem see how healthcare workers (nurses) opinions matter to those around them. If someone sees that a nurse or doctor doesn't even want to receive it they think to themselves “why should I get it if they won't?” resulting in them thinking something is wrong with vaccines and end up not taking it as well. Nurses and Doctors and other healthcare workers are supposed to encourage people and their patients to take vaccines in general to everyone so that they can help prevent everyone from getting sick and dying. They’re supposed to encourage it now especially during these past two years because of COVID-19 so that society can get back to normal like how it was before and so that another outbreak of COVID-19 does not go around and happen. Many people in society are hesitant about these vaccines that have been created through the years and its healthcare professionals' job to make their patients and those around them to feel okay about it and provide them with as much information as they can. Not use their own opinions and beliefs to tell their patients to get it or not get it.

In the article, Nurses and doctors and other healthcare professionals are human too and they're exactly like the rest of us. They're allowed to be hesitant about any type of vaccine but should not be allowed to spread that hesitancy around to others in society and their own patients. Their main job is to provide help for everyone and if what the patient needs is a certain vaccine they will provide all the information that they can and that they know to the patient so that the patient can make the decision for themselves. But they should mainly encourage people to recieve vaccines but not push their patients on getting them. They should never force their patients or others like their coworkers to get the vaccine either because its their choice. But they should one hundred percent encourage them by providing them with all the info they need and telling them “the vaccine would be great for you” and “it's totally safe and has been researched that it works”. For example if nurse A is getting a vaccine but nurse B is hesitant on it because she doesn't know.

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