Research Paper Example on Gun Control

📌Category: Gun Control, Social Issues
📌Words: 811
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 01 October 2022

On September 1st of, 2021, a new Texas House State law was introduced that allows noncriminals over the age of 21 to open carry handguns without a permit. In today's society, the media is one of the main ways citizens obtain information about current events worldwide. Media represents multiple sides, and especially if an individual lacks knowledge, it is easy to be trapped into thinking a certain way. Different techniques and biased views are used on controversial topics to direct audiences to create specific beliefs. Jack Hunter is an author for The American Conservative and wrote: "How Gun Control Kills." He is against gun control and explains how it deters violent crime. He implies that this law will lessen the negative effect of guns and is therefore for it. On the other side, Elliot Hannon of Microsoft news, or MSN, explains how Texan citizens are against the state Governor, Greg Abbott, signing the law in her article: "New Texas' Unlicensed Carry' Gun Law Lets Just About Anyone Carry a Gun." This new law has some citizens in fear, while others believe it will lower the ought for guns. Different authors use different techniques to display their opinion to hopefully get the reader to agree with their view on this new law.  

In Hunter's "How Gun Control Kills," he uses anecdotal stories of massacres to include an emotional concern to the audience in his article. He begins his article with: "Is there an evil worse than killing children?" Hunter brings pity to the reader by connecting emotional appeal to his perspective on guns by starting with this question. JSTOR studies practical reasoning and the structure of fear appeal arguments and states that questions are utilized when trying to convince a reader to believe a particular idea. Author Douglas N. Walton says that "The conclusion the respondent is supposed to draw is that he or she ought to adopt the recommended course of action" (310). Attention is gained when an author uses critical questions in their article, and Hunter arouses the reader into the context of his topic: the idea of guns killing young, innocent people.   

The article is continued with school shooting stories that have occurred throughout the United States, and statistics are given on the number of people killed due to criminals with gun possession. Hunter only mentions children being killed instead of, for example, an adult being saved by a gun. An advantage is taken from people having a soft spot for children by doing so. He is sympathetic toward children to take control of the reader's emotional state to get them on his side from the very beginning. This appeal is an example of the media making readers feel sorrow for situations. In this situation, the reader will experience sorrow for the death of kids because of gun use and could therefore be in opposition to guns. By means of distracting the reader with the sort of devastating idea of guns, he emphasizes how strong of a negative impact is possible.  

However, according to Hunter, "If the people who prevented these crimes through the use of personal firearms were legally prevented from having them... America would very likely be remembering a dozen more national tragedies" (How Gun Control Kills, The American Conservative, 2013). He switches gears and makes the reader from feeling anti-gun to understanding the possibility of it being worse. This makes the reader think that Governor Abbott signing this law to allow freely carrying guns is suitable and overall beneficial for the state of Texas. Hunter also argues, "Banning guns will not stop the crazed few who seek to open fire on the public" (How Gun Control Kills, The American Conservative, 2013). He is straightforward and utilizes a direct fact to imply that a gun control law will not stop the citizens who seek evil, and in conclusion, he gets across his idea. Although guns will be used by criminals in the wrong way, killing many innocent children, making a law controlling the use of firearms will not prevent these criminals. People have a misconception, and Hunter says liberals do not understand what a controlling gun law will do. Incorporating politics is one of the main techniques used throughout the media. By giving an example of misconception by liberals, Hunter is persuading the reader that the new Texas state law is a suitable method to minimize the negative effects of guns.  

On the other hand, Elliot Hannon uses scientific information to present her opinion on the New Texas State Law passing the "constitutional carry" gun law. Hannon states, "Buried in the 600-law data dump in the state of Texas this week is the fact that now just about anyone in the state can carry a gun—with no need for a pesky permit or training of any kind" (New Texas "Unlicensed Carry" Gun Law Lets Just About Anyone Carry a Gun, MSN, 2021). Her use of words automatically shows bias. 

The Texas House Law on Gun Control significantly influences Texas. Different articles and authors use specific strategies and approach target audiences to prove their points while making biased claims in order to persuade. Individuals should be careful when getting facts from the media and consider the different techniques applied in articles.

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