Research Paper: How to Control Your Anger

đź“ŚCategory: Behavior, Emotion, Life, Psychology
đź“ŚWords: 809
đź“ŚPages: 3
đź“ŚPublished: 16 June 2022

Have you ever felt so angry you thought you were going to explode? Tons of people around the world feel like this every day and most of them don't know why they are feeling this way or how to control it. What if I told you that you could manage this anger and learn to live with it? Almost like training a dog or a cat. Learning to identify and control anger is very important. You can learn to live with anger but if you don't your uncontrolled anger can have bad side effects. Uncontrolled anger can be controlled by knowing how to identify it, learning to control it, and learning to live with it.

Knowing how to identify anger can help significantly. Anger eliminates your ability to think clearly. After your anger goes away you then gain your ability to think clearly and usually regret what you said or did ( Anger Management). When you are angry you jump to conclusions and act on them most of the time your conclusions are wrong (Minor). Some people feel that their anger just comes from nowhere and they just snap over little things, this is not true your anger doesn't just come out of nowhere it grows (Anger management). Handling our anger is complicated because all these things about the past and the present factor in (Minor). Anger doesn't just come from someone or something it can pop up when you are hungry, stressed, depressed, overworked, and other things. There are different types of anger from getting annoyed to shaking with fury (7 Anger Management). If you are easily frustrated or angry its because you have a low tolerance for annoyance and frustration (7 Anger Management). Your life will always be filled with anger and frustration you must learn to tame it so you are not unhappy all the time. (7 Anger Management).

Next, do the same thing with the rest of the paraphrased notes, putting them in logical order.  

Controlling and taming this anger is one of the most important steps. Taking deep breaths can help you control your anger and control your fight or flight response (Anger management). Taking a timeout from the situation can calm you down and help you to think in a better state of mind (Anger Management). When you are mad exercise can help if you feeling frustrated go for a run or use exercise equipment (Anger Management: 10). Try to identify possible solutions to whatever the problem that is making you mad maybe some things may be out of your control so don't try to control them (Anger Management: 10). Forgiving can help resolve the issue quickly instead of arguing (7 Anger Management). Knowing when to seek help is crucial if you think your anger is getting out of control you should seek help (Anger Management: 10). One way you can eliminate your anger is by practicing relaxation techniques when you relax you are better in control of your body and your emotions (7 Anger Management). Keeping a journal or a diary of your feeling can help to keep track of what's causing your anger so you can look back and try to fix that problem or find a solution (7 Anger management). When your calm down again express how you feel without yelling or sounding mad (Anger management: 10). If you can see your anger early enough you can stop to think about what you are about to do or say (Anger management).

You can go on the live a happy life with anger but if you don't control it some of the effects can be bad. You can live a normal life without anger you just need to learn how to control your anger and not create it either (Live life). Managing our anger can help us in many ways and once you've learned to control your anger you can live with it  (Anger Management). Being too angry can cause physical effects to the body like headaches, insomnia, and anxiety especially when anger goes untreated (Anger- how it). People who don't control their anger tend to have low self-esteem. Also, anger outbursts can lead to abuse both mentally and physically (Anger- how it). Tension is a regular cause of headaches this means being angry has an effect on your health (headache). uncontrolled anger can and will lead to heart attacks (Blood pressure).

If you learn to identify, control, and live with anger you can still do all the things you love.  If you know how to identify your anger early on you can learn how and when to control it.

Learning how to control and tame your anger is a crucial step in the process. You can live a normal life with anger but if you can't control it your anger will have side effects.

Anger is a problem for many people across the world, and tons of these people do not know how to control it or that they even have a problem.  Anger is one of the most common emotions because it is so easy to be angry rather than happy or sad. Hopefully reading this essay will help you have a better understanding of how to control your anger.

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