Rhetorical Analysis: Satire The Onion

📌Category: Articles
📌Words: 569
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 14 April 2022

The satirical tone of this article from The Onion reflects the manipulation of the advertising business in order to appeal to the gullibility of the consumers. Due to the impersonation of scientific diction that lacks merit and the use of irony, the fraudulent methods of the marketing industry overpowers the instinctual resistance of the consumers to tempt them to purchase their products. 

With the use of scientific diction, The Onion is able to appeal to the gullibility of the consumers, even though the information within commercial endorsements is often misleading. The article asserts that the MagnaSoles shoe inserts restore “the foot’s natural bio-flow” (14-15). As a result of this scientific-sounding diction, the advertisement is able to appeal to consumers that do not realize the absurdity of that statement. The use of the word “bio-flow” offers the impression that it is scientifically proven when there is no actual evidence to deem this credible as there is no such concept in science as a “bio-flow”.  Rather, the writer aims to satire how the use of diction can appeal to customers that are compelled by the seemingly intelligent tone of the words. Furthermore, the article also affirms that “Only MagnaSoles utilize the healing power of crystals to restimulate dead foot cells with vibrational biofeedback…a process similar to that by which medicine makes people better” (31-34). Once again, though this statement appears to be accurate due to the utilization of scientific diction, the content contradicts the validity of the argument due to crediting the MagnaSoles’ healing ability to “the healing power of crystals”. Thus, this further imitates how advertisements can use diction to convince consumers to purchase their products, regardless of the absence of integrity in their claims. As a result, the lack of science in those statements demonstrates how the diction is able to compel consumers to surrender to their temptations even though the words do not have any actual merit behind them. 

Additionally, the use of irony also demonstrates the blatant foolishness of the consumers. In one of the customer feedbacks, Helene Kuhn claims that “‘I twisted my ankle something awful a few months ago...But after wearing Magnasoles for seven weeks, I’ve noticed a significant decrease in pain and can now walk comfortably. Just try to prove that Magnasoles didn’t heal me!”’ (56-62). Evidently, the decrease in pain that she experienced over seven weeks could not be attributed to the MagnaSoles with conviction since that is enough time to recover from a twisted ankle. As a result, this humorous replication of customer reviews in marketing reflects how consumers can be quite naive and not always realize the indiscretions in some of these statements. Furthermore, another customer review by George DeAngelis states, “‘Why should I pay thousands of dollars to have my spine realigned with physical therapy when I can pay $20 for insoles clearly endorsed by an intelligent-looking man in a white lab coat?”’ (65-68). Therefore, this review portrays how customers are so easily persuaded by the appearance of someone on their television that they do not even question that person’s credibility. Despite the fact that an intelligent-looking person is advocating for a product and is wearing a white lab coat does not inherently translate into them being qualified in the medical profession. As a result, consumers are easily fooled by conspicuous marketing strategies of appealing to common stereotypes. The irony of these customer reviews mocks how consumers are unsuspectingly enticed by the marketing strategies of the advertising business. 

With the utilization of scientific diction and irony, The Onion mimics how consumers are easily manipulated by the advertising business. As a result, the humorous tone of the article exposes the power that the marketing industry has over consumers with their deceitful strategies.

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