Romeo and Juliet Essay: The Star-Crossed Lovers

📌Category: Plays, Romeo and Juliet
📌Words: 295
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 18 June 2022

The tragic death of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare Who are the most responsible for the death of the two star-crossed lovers? Romeo and Juliet is a trage story about two star-crossed lovers who fell in love at first sigte but the fude between the two families kept Them apart. While Caplet, Montigue and the Frier each had a role, in the death of the two star-crossed lovers the Frier is the most responsible for  the deaths of the star-crossed lovers in William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. Juliet’s dad is partly to blame he is trying to forces Juliet to marry someone but if she doent he will disown her. ‘’ are you mine, i’ll give you to my friend; and you be notn hang beg, starv, die in the streets.  Act 111page 444 line 190 to 195 Lord Capulet is trying to give jiliet to a marriage, but she does not want to marry Paris because she is in love with Romeo and they are aradey marrien but Romeo is a montague the Capulet and the Montague Dispize each other. So Lord Capulet said if you dont marry Paris you can beg, starv, die in the Streets.

Fate has also contributed to the death of the star-crossed lovers befor the play begens the coeres tells the audience ‘’ Apair of star-crossed lovers take their life Both with their death bury their parents’ Strife.’’ The prologue tells you from the beginning that fate is going to play a big wrole. ‘’Star-crossed lovers aney lovers whose affection for each other is doomed in tragedy.’’ There Fate already choosing in the beginning.

Last but least the Frir os the most responsible for the death of Romeo and Juliet for marrying the two he needen the parents permasnon to marry the two but he did it hoping that it end the fuse between the two family

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