Romeo and Juliet Still Relevant Persuasive Essay Sample

đź“ŚCategory: Plays, Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare, Writers
đź“ŚWords: 397
đź“ŚPages: 2
đź“ŚPublished: 18 June 2022

Romeo and Juliet is one of the most acclaimed plays of all time. However, many people dispute the play’s relevance since it was written long ago during the 6th century. I believe Romeo and Juliet still has relevant themes that can be applied to modern day life. Romeo and Juliet is still relevant since its themes can still be related to, children are still put into arranged marriages, and parents still pressure their children to follow what they ask.

Romeo and Juliet’s themes are timeless. Themes such as love and hate are central themes of Romeo and Juliet. These themes remain relevant because love and hatred are human emotions. Emotions have and always have been part of humans. The same emotions humans experienced in the 16th century are still relevant today because our emotions remain unchanged. Therefore, Romeo and Juliet’s themes and emotions can still be related to.

In many countries, such as India or Pakistan, arranged marriages are exceedingly prevalent. One of the main plot elements in Romeo and Juliet is that Juliet is being put into an involuntary arranged marriage with Paris. Since arranged marriages still frequently arise in modern day South Asia and the Middle East, this plot element can still be considered relevant. Arranged marriage is seen as a predicament by many in modern society, just like how Juliet’s arranged marriage was a major obstacle in the plot of Romeo and Juliet. This proves that this aspect of Romeo and Juliet is still relevant today.

In Romeo and Juliet, both Romeo and Juliet are pressured to act against each other’s families and follow their parent’s directive. In modern day society, this still frequently transpires.  For example, many parents pressure their children to adhere to a certain faith, or support a certain political view. In Romeo and Juliet, Lady Capulet pressures Juliet into marrying Paris and Montague wants Romeo to contravene House Capulet. The same pressures that happened in the story continue to arise today, proving that this aspect of Romeo and Juliet is still relevant.

This essay proves that Romeo and Juliet is still relevant today. There are multiple reasons that prove that it does. For example, the themes and emotions in Romeo and Juliet can still be related to. Furthermore, another reason is that some of the things that transpire in the story, such as arranged marriages, still happen in the present day. In conclusion, Romeo and Juliet is still relevant since its themes can still be related to, children are still put into arranged marriages, and parents still pressure their children to follow what they ask.

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