Romeo is to Blame in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet Essay Example

📌Category: Plays, Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare, Writers
📌Words: 1061
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 21 September 2022

“O Romeo, Romeo, Wherefore art thou Romeo” (Shakespeare 404). Does this sound familiar? William Shakespeare, a playwright, an actor, a legend. Shakespeare wrote one of the most well known tragedies in the world, Romeo and Juliet. In this specific tragedy, We meet Romeo of Montague and Juliet of Capulet, the products of  rivaling families, on a Sunday morning. Romeo pining over his love Rosaline, at the Capulet feast that he so rudely snuck into. By that evening he meets and falls for Juliet, leaving Rosaline behind. Romeo and Juliet are secretly married on Monday afternoon knowing it would be against the will of their families. Throughout Shakespeare's play fights break out, banishments are cast, and mistakes are made. Both lovers are dead by dawn on Thursday morning. Romeo is to blame for the catastrophe. If Romeo wasn’t so sneaky, rash, narcissistic, and pushy the star-crossed lovers would not have felt the need to commit rash suicide.  

First, Romeo started the entire tragedy by sneaking into the Capulet feast that he had no business being at. If he would've stayed with his own family, he never would have met Juliet, never would have gotten on the bad side of Tybalt, and never would have caused him and his so-called beloved Juliet to die. Romeo only ever thought about himself and what he wanted, Juliet was doing no wrong by being at her own family's feast, as with Tybalt yet they both pass within days of said feast due to Romeo's actions. Romeo had to have been looking for trouble by showing up to a dinner he knew he was not wanted or welcome at. There is no way that Romeo expected no problems to come from his risky actions.  He saw Juliet, knowing she was a Capulet and that it would cause numerous problems because he is a Montague. The dinner happened to be a masquerade, yet it is obvious that covering ¼ of your face does not make your identity unnameable. You cannot blame Tybalt for wanting to kick Romeo out of the large family and friend get together because that is all Tybalt had known. Tybalt knew they had been in an ancient rivalry for centuries, therefore he shouldn't be in the Capulet ballroom. Tybalt’s thoughts are nothing but reasonable based on the circumstances.  

Furthermore, Juliet never asked for him to be at the feast yet he was. Juliet never asked him to come up and talk to her or dance with her yet he did. Juliet never asked Romeo to be at her balcony yet he was. He was always the one starting and creating all of the problems and un-thoughtfully dragging Juliet along making her life more difficult. Romeo acted on his emotions, never stopping to realize and or care what it was doing to Juliet and her relationships with her own family. Romeo was turning Juliet into a girl who was always sneaking around just like he did. I understand that she never said anything and she went along with all of his plans happily but she was at the ripe age of 13 years old. Back in the timeframe that “The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet” made its debut, this age was an  appropriate age to be married, but that doesn't stop me from believing Juliet didn't realize what she was agreeing to. She saw Romeo as a charming young man that called her pretty, danced with her in front of everyone, kissed her romantically, and that proclaimed his love for her everytime he laid eyes on her, but that’s just it, he laid eyes on her. Juliet was a stunning young girl, which is all egocentric Romeo cared about. Meanwhile Juliet went to every extent to be with him and please him. She loved and cared for him no matter what. If he truly loved Juliet he would not always be doing things that could harm her or get them in very big trouble. Romeo would have put more time, effort, and consideration into Juliet and how they were going to see each other if he truly cared. By doing these carless things and not carefully considering all the possible consequences of specific behaviors Romeo caused sadness, stress, worry, and disappointment which not only affected him but also everyone around him and Juliet.  

Which brings me to my next point. Romeo is not only the cause of his and Juliet's death but also Mercutio’s. Benvolio and Mercutio encounter Tybalt. Romeo arrives, and Tybalt challenges him to a sword fight. Romeo refuses, so Mercutio fights Tybalt. Tybalt kills Mercutio, so Romeo kills Tybalt.  Now Romeo had led his friend to his death and also slaughtered the cousin of his newly wed wife. Romeo is to blame for a very high percentage of the problems in this tragedy. It is very obvious that Romeo does not prioritize his relationship with Juliet nor does he prioritize her emotions. He acts carelessly and does not treat Juliet as if she was his one and only. Romeo acts as if his choices and behaviors will have no repercussions.   

Likewise, Once Romeo sees “dead” Juliet he wastes no time to draw his sword and commit suicide right then and right there. No reasoning, no asking questions, no care. Which is another example of Romeo not stopping to analyze the cause and effects of his actions. Soon after Romeo takes his sword through his body Juliet awakes from her potion induced slumber, Her plan was to fake her own death for Romeo. Juliet was going to leave her family as a very young teenage girl for a boy who got himself banished for his foolish actions, he deserved to have to leave she didn't. He was a boy who sneaked in and out of places constantly, and a boy who acted within a split second of all his emotions, he had no self control. Juliet deserved better. All she did was give and give for Romeo and he could not do the same for her. The couple got married on a Monday afternoon, the very same evening Romeo got himself banished and Juliet was, without a doubt, going to find some way to be with him. They did not know each other well enough to be getting married. Hopefully if Juliet knew the real Romeo she would have steered clear. 

In conclusion, Romeo always snuck around to do what benefited him and only him.  Juliet was in a one sided, 5 day long relationship with this mischievous Romeo. Both lovers felt the need to kill themselves for “love” but it shall be assumed that the reasoning of Romeo committing suicide is because he knew he was not as caring and compassionate to juliet as she was to he. Perhaps not love but only guilt.

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