Russia's War on Ukraine Essay Example

đź“ŚCategory: Russo-Ukrainian War, War
đź“ŚWords: 604
đź“ŚPages: 3
đź“ŚPublished: 10 April 2022

2 weeks ago, Russia, unprovoked, attacked its neighbour, Ukraine.  Since then, there has been widespread destruction and evident targeting of civilian infrastructure, resulting in the death of innocent civilians, people who just want to go about their lives. All for what? All for one man’s ego; for one man’s desire to leave his mark in history. Well, I say enough Mr Putin. 

Thank you all, for letting me speak at the youth rally. Today, I am here to tell you the truth about Russia’s ugly war with Ukraine. I am here to tell you why it is happening, and I am here to tell you how to stop it.

Russia claims its invasion is a “special military operation” to stop “Nazism and genocide”; a claim made again at Putin’s rally on the 19th of March. There is no genocide, there is no Nazism; this invasion is an unprovoked attack on a peaceful neighbour with a Jewish president. Putin is lying to his people and the world. 

The Russian military is targeting Ukrainian civilian infrastructure. Peoples’ homes, hospitals, schools and theatres have been destroyed; many being used as bomb shelters by Ukrainian civilians. Did you know, that just 3 weeks ago, a theatre in Mariupol, sheltering 1300 people with “children” written nearby, was bombed? Incredibly, Russia denied responsibility, more Russian lies.  

Putin’s greed, his ego, his desire to make a mark in history has created this war. Do you really want this, Mr Putin? Do you really want to start a world war just because of your narcissism? Well, I won’t stand for this behaviour, you must stop now, YOU HAVE TO.

Putin is trying to force his will on the Ukrainian people but has met ferocious resistance. 

This “war” isn’t a war, this “war” is a straight-up slaughter. I say enough, Mr Putin, enough of the death, enough of the murder, enough of the lies, you must stop ruining these poor people’s lives.

Leaving Ukraine to fight on its own is like a lamb to the slaughter, with a concerted effort from the world, this war can be stopped. 

Continued military support for the Ukrainian army must continue to stall and stop the invasion. Military support is twofold, hardware and intelligence. Much of this hardware is smart and precisely such as the B2 drones supplied by Turkey. As important as the hardware is how to use it. This military intelligence is vital to maximising the effect of the military hardware.

On top of this, many countries that were originally supplying Russia with resources, have applied sanctions to Russia, stopping them from getting their money and resources which is reducing his ability to pay for his war. Sanctions targeting Putin’s inner circle must continue. These sanctions will create descent between Putin’s cronies which will hopefully force a leadership change, or at least have them question their resolve for war and their support for Putin. 

Finally, we must attack Russia’s cyber systems, engaging hackers to target their communication to disrupt their ability to make war. We must also spread the truth to the people of Russia, not only so they can understand what their leader is doing, but also to create conflict between the good people and Putin, encouraging them to stand up for what’s right.

Without our support, Ukraine is helpless, without our supplies, Ukraine will fall. We can put a stop to that, we must put a stop to that. This terrible war must end, but more violence is not the way. An evident danger is this conflict escalating to World War 3.  Helping Ukraine Halt the invasion with military assistance to Ukraine, spreading the truth to The good people of Russia, encouraging descent amongst Russia’s elite and Putin’s supporters will force a leadership change, as the only way for this war to end, is for Russia to decide. Stop the war, stop the killing, it’s time for you to leave Mr Putin.

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