Saving Wildlife Essay Example

📌Category: Animals, Environment, Extinction
📌Words: 470
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 16 March 2022


Saving our wildlife is an incredibly important topic that too many people still think is inconsequential. At least 900 animals and 600 plants have already gone extinct. As of now, there are only 70 Amur leopards, 67 Javan leopards, and six softshell turtles left in the world. These are only three of the thousands of animals that are considered endangered. There are two white rhinoceroses known to be alive, both female; the last male died in 2018. In the last few years, many species went extinct, including the Spix’s macaw in 2019, the splendid poison frog in 2020, and the ivory-billed woodpecker in 2021. Scientists believe that one-third of plant and animal species could be gone in 50 years.

What Can We Do?

There is nothing that can be done for these animals; they have already been lost to history, only remembered through science textbooks. However, we can try to prevent more species from meeting the same fate. Many plants and animals have been brought back from the brink by people like you doing small things–even just raising awareness can help save them. How many hunters shot a deer because they didn’t know it was one of less than a thousand left? How many animals could have been saved if people only knew what they were actually doing? Trophy hunters are now widely derided as inhumane and disrespectful to the environment, but deforestation, which kills almost as many animals, still occurs every time we want a new mall, a new parking lot, or a new apartment building. It is one of the most selfish acts humans can commit.

Ways to Help

Doing your part to save our wildlife doesn’t mean you have to stop hunting or eating meat. It can be as simple as reducing use of plastic, or not buying from stores that sell real fur clothes. Be careful about what websites you trust; as an example, PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), perhaps the most famous animal rights activism group out there, is known for taking in far more animals than it can handle and putting over 90% of them down. 

How to Know Who to Trust

Thankfully, there are still many smaller, lesser-known organizations that are more trustworthy. Some ways to figure out whether an organization is reputable are: if they state how much, if any, of their profits are given to charity; the other groups they associate themselves with; and if they spread claims that are provably false. It is essential to know which organizations to trust so you can be sure you are actually helping animals, not unintentionally contributing to cruelty.


Even if you choose not to give money to any group, you can still contribute in different ways. Volunteer at an animal shelter or a sanctuary, only sell or buy products that do not profit from cruelty in any way, and spread the word to other people about how important it is to save our wildlife. Taking a few minutes out of your day to do something small for animals could help save a species.

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