Scholarship Essay Example: Xavier University

📌Category: Education, Scholarship
📌Words: 431
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 27 September 2022

Robert Byrne once said ““The purpose of life is a life of purpose”. When people are asked, "What are your life goals and dreams?", we may have different kinds of viewpoints. My life's greatest goal and dream may be summed up in five words: To continue pursuing my purpose. This goal feeds my motivation to move forward. This is different from those of others, who strive to get professions or financial possessions. A goal, in my perspective, must be something that no one can simply take away. It must be something that could illuminate our emotional and spiritual chandelier. 

As I write this essay, I am confident that studying at Xavier University will not only pay off my parents' debts and efforts, but will also empower me to continue seeking after God. I may be able to realize my unknown potentials and become someone I never envisioned myself to be in the future. If I am granted this scholarship, it will drive me to help and support my parents, especially because I have witnessed my father working twenty-four hours a day without even getting sufficient rest. I have witnessed and experienced the problems that not all students endure. From elementary to high school, I always wrote project reports in a dark space near our comfort room, I began to learn to do DIY's on my activities, and while some of my classmates brought chocolate bars on our school trip, I always used to have a biscuit and tumbler in my bag, my school shoes have many holes due to a lack of income, and yet I can testify to how good God has been because I never felt disadvantaged during those years. I believe it is important to highlight that when Christ is present in our life, we can only see the goodness that has been showered upon us.

Being privileged in this world implies having financial stability, but for me, being privileged is having Christ despite a lack of resources. God's greatness is always manifested and demonstrated in times of adversity. I believe that my experiences taught me that God always has a purpose for us. He wants to accomplish some things for us, in us, and through us. I believe that by sharing my short testimony for this essay, my experience will be able to touch heart and mind, for I know that God has a proven record of doing extraordinary things for ordinary people. I will end this essay with the most important thing I have learned in my past experiences, which is that we must not be anxious about finding our purpose. If we are seeking after God, our purpose will eventually find us. In God’s will, I would love to be one of those who would be granted a scholarship.

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