School Uniform Argumentative Essay Example​​​​​​​

📌Category: Education, School
📌Words: 346
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 21 January 2022

School uniforms. Why do some schools have uniforms and some don’t? Some schools, like ours, want to promote individuality, but other schools want to prevent popularity. We have free will and the right to wear what we would like to.

School uniforms are expensive and most parents don’t want to spend money on uniforms when they could spend it on clothes that cost less money. Yes, our school could just have it be clothes you can buy from the store or, to spend more money, we could get fitted for them so they fit better. You have to spend the money to pay the fitter and the parents all have to pay different amounts of money for uniforms. Say you grow a little bit and then the uniform you just spent a lot of money on, doesn’t fit anymore. Then you just wasted money you could have spent on supplies or other things that bring happiness to the school, like fundraisers and parties for the students.

Most people think that school is about education and education only. That’s not true. School is about more than education and learning, it’s about learning to get along with others, too. And learning to get along with others is a form of expressing yourself. And yes, people wouldn’t have to worry about popularity if they had uniforms, but then the students wouldn’t be able to learn how to solve their problems with it. The chances of a student getting bullied while at a job is very likely to happen. 

Uniforms would require parents to do more laundry if they don’t buy enough uniforms. In my household, you can’t do your laundry without having a full load of clothes. If you don’t buy enough uniforms to fill a laundry load and wash them by themselves, you waste water and  materials like soap and scents. And on top of that, you have to buy new uniforms every year because kids grow. If we did have uniforms, it would make separating clothes easier but the washing harder.

To finish my argument, I say we want to promote individuality through the whole school. And not be one unit. Let us be who we want to be and help us along the way.

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