Selma Movie Analysis Essay

📌Category: Entertainment, Movies
📌Words: 606
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 22 February 2022

The quote “our lives are not fully lived if we’re not willing to die for those we love and for what we believe”. This quote was said in the movie Selma by Martin Luther King Jr and means that if you’re not willing to fight and die for the ones you love so that we can stand up and fight for our right’s in getting freedom. Furthermore, when conjoint both stories about what’s worth fighting for and getting the right to have freedom and not having to live in fear in which you don’t have the right to do anything.

Furthermore, In the movie Selma the powerful message and spread light on what African Americans had to go through in being tortured, abused physically and emotionally, As well they also highlighted certain areas that were important that was when the president approved giving African Americans men and women rights. Moreover, I think that Dr. King was using ethos in the movie Selma because he had a friend named Lyndon and he had a lot of power and he was used in developing protest with Dr. King but as well as he was also in fear that Dr.King would lose his life because of these protests but Dr.King didn’t care if his hard earn efforts were going to change society for the better and to give his people the right’s to live like regular human beings because they were honestly living less than a human being. In addition, some logos were also added in the film Selma when his people (Dr.King) was protesting for the ability to have the right to vote and the kind of protest were all peaceful nothing violent ever accrued and they also had signs saying about how racially diverse America was and giving examples up high so that they could see what it feels like to be racially discriminated against. 

Moreover, in the letter of Martian Luther kind he was addressing the clergy because they were his biggest critics they were saying what’s the point of all of these protests they are pointless to them but in this letter, he was trying to make them comprehend that they don’t have right’s they are viewed as less and they aren’t doing anything to protect them and that’s what they been fighting for but they don’t see the problem. An example would be when Dr. King gave, In the example, about Hitler in the way that he thought he was purifying Germany from Jews and Hitler brainwashed the citizens of Germany that, he was going to make Germany the best country and make everyone from Germany think that all Jews had done a grave crime and justifying their actions with sending them to concentration camps, and killing them on the spot, or putting them in gas chamber’s, do heavy labor that none should have gone through that but yet none doubted him at the beginning and none protest against him because they thought it was alright since none was doing anything to help them out. To clarify, what this example means, is that if we don’t protest what's right, then people can be manipulated into thinking, what they are going is right and none will get in trouble but if we don't then we will be in a lost cause just like what happened in Germany millions of jews were eliminated because none spoke up for them or there right's because they also took that from them and their human dignity.

In conclusion, when reviewing and conjoining both of the stories in both movie and the letter, it highlights the fact that Africans  American suffered through tamanduas hardships in getting into society itself and being called human because they didn’t think of the like anything and protesting and riots when around at that time as well, but they stood their ground until they had rights of their own until the end.

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