Singel Sex Classes Persuasive Essay Example

📌Category: Education, School
📌Words: 332
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 22 September 2022

Singel sex classes have become a  proper alternative to public schools, and for good reason. Students have improved tremendously compared to public schools. Single-sex classes would be beneficial to schools because both boys and girls can improve their grades and become more confident. Students would do better in single-sex classes as it would improve themselves.

For example, With single-sex classes, students have been shown to improve their grades. This might be due to the lack of distractions. With single-sex classes, their grades improved in the text, it states, “Boys in single-sex high schools scored better in reading, writing, and math than did boys at coed high schools. Girls at the single-sex schools did better in science and reading than girls in coed schools”.The students do better because they can study subjects that they are good at without any weird feeling.

Furthermore, students find that they are more confident due to the fact that they are surrounded by people that understands their same struggles this also applies to subjects aswell.  The text is stating “For all-girls schools have shown to be more confident in themselves and look for higher education and it’s not just the girls but the boys too.

“Girls in all-girls schools are more likely to study subjects such as advanced math, computer science, and physics. Boys in all-boys schools are more than twice as likely to study subjects such as foreign languages, art, m5usic, and drama”. Both boys and girls feel more confident doing things that would generally be classified as boy/girlish as they don’t have to worry about being made fun of. They can feel free to do things that make them more comfortable and confident when it comes to things that they like.

Some might argue that Single-sex wouldnt be great but these examples have shown that single-sex classes have been very beneficial to the students that go to these schools. The students get opportunities to get good grades and with that, also comes the confidence they get. This proves that the classes are very beneficial for both the student and the school they can improve not just the students but their work as well.

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