Sleep Deprivation Free Essay Example

📌Category: Health
📌Words: 361
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 23 September 2022

Good night, Sleep Tight 

Have you ever been tucked tightly in your blankets trying your hardest to fall into a deep slumber but just can’t seem to enter dreamland? Well, you’re not alone! Millions of people all around the globe are experiencing the same issue and it's called “Sleep Deprivation”.  

Sleep deprivation is when you suffer from a lack of sleep. It can cause hallucinations, memory problems, mood swings, weigh gain, lack of concentration and thinking skills, high blood pressure, weakened immunity, low sex drive, risk of diabetes, being more accident-prone (higher risk of bumping into stuff and getting into car accidents due to drowsiness), and plenty more issues. You may even suffer from not being able to balance your body weight properly. Just from this information alone, it seems that lack of sleep can lead to terrifying consciences!  

Did you know that 3-5 years is how much sleep deprivation ages your brain, 48% increase of heart disease developing due to not getting enough sleep, and you’re three times as much likely to catch a cold from your immune system being weekend from a lack of rest! 

There are three different types of sleep deprivation: 



Chronic deficiency 

A lot of people believe that Insomnia and Sleep deprivation are the same exact thing. While they are highly similar to each other, they are not the same.  

Here are the differences and similarities: 


People with insomnia can’t go to sleep even when they get plenty of time to sleep. 

Sleep Deprivation 

People who suffer from Sleep Deprivation do not have the time to sleep because of poor choices with behavior neglection of daily obligations such as chores or errands. 

People from ages 60 and up are most susceptible to have Insomnia while teenagers ranging from ages 14-15 are most likely to be reported with Sleep Deprivation issues. According to statistics 80% of teens are receiving less than the 8-10 hours of sleep that are recommended. 

There are foods that can be eaten to help with these sleep disorders: 



Types of fatty fish (anchovies, herring, mackerel) 


Cherry juice (tart) 


Chamomile tea 

Passionflower tea 

Water (as basic as it, it does work!) 



Fiber-rich food 


There are lots of other food that work as well!  

How to help sleep disorders: 

Stick to a schedule 

Stay active 

Avoid taking naps 

Limit your use of caffeine  

Don’t use nicotine 

Avoid consuming meals before bedtime

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