Smart Goals Essay Example

📌Category: Goals, Life
📌Words: 459
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 26 January 2022

My first SMART goal would be athletics.  I started Cross Country last year, and I was close to making the top 10 to cross the finish line but never made it. I hope I can accomplish that this year because at the Conference meet last year I finished the race in 11th place. Last year I struggled because one was my first year and two that was the year that sports moved up to class three. To reach this goal I will need to stretch, Hydrate, and Practice. Around districts last year I This is my last year that I can compete so my deadline for my goal is before Districts which is October 31st. 

My second SMART goal would be for the class I am taking,  Senior Composition. For this class I want to work my hardest to get all A’s on my papers that I write this year. To reach this goal I will have to work hard and stay focused. Everytime I finish a paper for this class I will have to read over my paper and probably have someone check it for me. This is very important to me because my academics are very important to me. 

My third SMART goal would be academics. When I graduate I would like to finish top 10 in my class. This is really important to me because my older sisters  graduated  top 10 in  their class. Right now I am sitting at 11 and I am only one place away from meeting my goal. To meet my goal I am going to have to achieve all A’s all year. I am also going to have to work hard and study my hardest, but also not to stress because I need to have fun my senior year. 

My fourth goal is personal, I want to get involved as much as I can this year because it’s my last year! To accomplish this goal I will go to all the dances we have because I have never been to any dances in high school besides prom. I want to also be involved in the senior activities that we do. This is my senior year and I want to make it memorable. 

My fifth and final SMART goal would fall under personal and academic. FFA has this criteria called SAE (Supervised Agriculture Experience), my goal is to have my SAE be judged and get the placement award. Over the years I have not sent in my SAE to be judged because I didn’t make any money off of it. My herd of cattle wasn't big enough to make money, but this summer I got a job at the vet clinic  that is now my other SAE. To reach this goal I will have to write in my journal entries every week to enter in my hours and my paychecks. I have confidence that I will meet this goal!

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