Speech To Becoming A Writer

📌Category: Experience, Life
📌Words: 479
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 11 February 2022

Being a writer is not an easy task, especially when you have to entertain the reader. In writing, I like to incorporate lots of my feelings, experiences, and viewpoints. By generalizing the thoughts and experiences I'm writing about. I usually consider myself to own a detailed bond with the word. Overall, I like everything about writing but the part that I sometimes struggle with is when I don’t know where to start.   

I believe that with sufficient discipline and practice, anyone can improve at anything in the world. I treat writing like a sport; the more you practice and play it, the more you will notice and correct your errors. The same is true for writing: the more you write, the more chances you'll have to improve.   

As you may be aware, different people have different writing strategies. For me, the most effective method was to gather sufficient research on the topic I was intended to write about before proceeding. Then I'd create a preliminary copy of the article or piece of writing, which I'd then read aloud to a friend or classmate to ensure that the sentences made sense. Finally, on the rough draft, I would fix any Grammer or verbal issues before transferring it to the final paper. 

The first step mentioned in the video “The writing Process” is the invention or the thought or research that the writer gathers before writing an essay or paper. The second step is planning this includes how the writer is going to write the paper and the time management for the project. Then comes the third step which is drafting. In this step the writer is going to create a draft paper that he/she can always edit and add more or make changes to it.  The fourth step is revising which is getting feedback from friends or classmates and making improvements. The fifth and final step is editing, this step includes having a proper format, structure, style and fixing Grammar issues if there is any. 

Although none of the steps mentioned previously is “easy”, the writing step that I found the most challenging is the prewriting process also known as generalizing ideas. First-time writers, or those who aren't used to it, may need more time to finish their work. But one thing is certain: the more time spend in the prewriting and drafting stages, the easier it will be to revise and edit later. I think the Prewriting step to be one of the most important steps in the writing process because it can help you think, save you time and produce better writing.  

Overall, we can see that a person can actually get better in writing with proper steps and practice. The steps mentioned in the video “The Writing process “are pretty good and easy to understand. It lets you properly plan any kind of paper, essay or article that you want to write. In fact, I am using the same techniques mentioned in the video for the first time and it is incredible how it changes your writing process.  

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