Start with WHY by Simon Sinek Book Analysis Essay Example

đź“ŚCategory: Business Literature, Leadership, Literature
đź“ŚWords: 926
đź“ŚPages: 4
đź“ŚPublished: 22 September 2022


Start With Why is a book that asks a basic question majorly. What distinguishes certain businesses and individuals as more inventive, influential, and profitable than others. It’s all about asking "WHY?" rather than “WHAT?". They begin all conversation by explaining why they do things, then for all intents and purposes go on to how they do things, and they just reveal what they truly actually do at the end. 

People conduct business with you regularly, which is known as repeat business, or so they do for the most part though. People who are loyal to you will continue to do business with you if you are willing to essentially pass up a better product or a lower price. There is kind of certain leaders who prefer to drive people through kind of inspiring rather than manipulation. Looking ahead at what you need to generally attain and devising enough methods to get there does now no longer offer the WHY, contrary to popular belief. It isn`t primarily based totally on any kind of marketplace research, It isn’t always the result of in-intensity talks with purchasers or maybe workers. It comes from staring withinside the very contrary route from wherein you for the most part are now standing. WHY is a procedure of discovery as opposed to the invention.

Understanding the WHY of an enterprise or employer, or the WHY of any social movement constantly starts off evolving with one thing: you. The founder and their values are the supply of an employer's why. This kind of is something human beings often mostly assume earlier than their employer even exists, contrary to popular belief. It's a reason that continues them going. 


To illustrate how great leaders were able to motivate others to act, Simon Sinek develops a concept called The Golden Circle. It's the foundation for the why. Starting with WHY is only the first step; discovering your why is the simple part. The difficult part is being loyal to yourself and committing to your plan to attain your why. It necessitates commitment. Why is essentially a belief, why is how you get there, and what you say and do is confirmation of that conviction. You will become more authentic if you are consistent in what you say and do. If you don't know why it's very hard to establish authenticity since you don't have any convictions to back up your claims. 

The Golden Circle is a technique of teaching that is consistent with how people acquire information. As a result, an organization's goal, cause, or belief must be clear, and everything it says and does must be consistent with and genuine to that conviction. All those who share The Golden Circle's viewpoint will be drawn to it and its goods like a moth to a light bulb if the levels of the organization are in balance. 

Simon Sinek talks about the importance of trust in leadership, Trust is a feeling that develops when we have the impression that another person or organization is motivated by anything other than self-interest. By expressing and proving that you share the same values and views, you may develop trust. Apple is a perfect example since they are more than a corporation. By focusing on why rather than what, they have been able to create a culture around themselves, which means that many loyal customers would purchase everything they produce. Because their reasons correspond with Apple's customer’s belief they will build a product they will like.

Great leaders can express "WHY" their organization because they have clarity. Having a clear understanding of WHY is the first step toward inspiring others to follow.  "People don't buy "what" you do, they buy "why" you do it" - Simon Sinek, the beliefs or principles that guide your actions are what bring your cause to life. Finding your "WHY" is easy compared to maintaining the discipline required to never stray from your goal. Simon Sinek says, “For values or guiding principles to be truly effective, they have to be verbs”. A logo is nothing more than a symbol without a clear "WHY." These traits are more about the company than the cause. People must be motivated to use a logo to express themselves for it to become a symbol. It no longer refers to a firm or its products; rather, it refers to a belief.


Market research, according to general business advice, is crucial. Sinek believes that your organization’s why should not be derived by anticipating what you want to achieve and then figuring out how to get there.  I disagree because I believe that in order for a business to be successful, it is necessary to plan ahead and establish a niche based on your clients and getting to learn who they are and what they want.

The most important point I learned from this book is to always communicate my why first if I want to inspire others. Every organization understands what they do, which is why "why" is the first thing they clearly state. That's because feelings always win out over logic. We own a decision when we make it based on a convincing reason.  Only until we understand why we do things can we have a sense of belonging. As a result, it is a significantly more powerful way of influencing us to make a choice. Our WHY should always be our goal, reason, and core belief. Because it’s the force that drives us forward in all that we do.

I would strongly recommend this book to anyone who aspires to be a leader, as well as those who do not intend to become one because it will help them improve themselves and teach them how to make the best decisions by first asking themselves "WHY," which will allow them to have a clear vision about their decisions. Starting with why is a concept that applies to all organizations in the broadest sense. A well-developed understanding of the why in their business can enhance services, and even professions.

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