Steve Jobs' Leadership Style Essay Sample

📌Category: Leadership
📌Words: 847
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 20 August 2022

One billion people in this world use Apple on a daily basis, but not many have ever really thought about how it became what it is today. By gaining recognition through his invention of Apple, Steve Jobs was and continues to be widely appreciated for his remarkable leadership. Steve Jobs’ persistent character constructed a clear path from the start and followed it until the end. Jobs’ goal in making Apple was to design inventions that could quickly be used anywhere and at any time. People are able to operate their electronics in simple touches without any major difficulties. Steve Jobs' leadership led to the success of his products, which have influenced convenient technology today.

Steve Jobs’ leadership style was collaborative and also straightforward at the right times. Jobs had always emphasized on the importance of cooperative teamwork. He was specifically known to be loyal to the company and workers. He consistently gathered everyone’s opinions and thoughts for future improvements. Even though he made the final decisions, he figured hearing from other minds could lead up to a more effective product. 

Steve Jobs frequently showed a strict and perfectionistic personality when it came to running the business. Jobs considered the public’s reviews of his designs. However, the comments of the public were just slight suggestions that didn’t completely affect his thinking. Steve Jobs had a clear idea about what he wanted to accomplish and that attitude led to the products now. Many people thought that directly providing whatever the public wanted was the best choice to please the people, but Jobs thought differently. “Some people say, “Give the customers what they want,” But that’s not my approach. Our job is to figure out what they’re going to want before they do” (Isaacson 567). This shows how Steve Jobs was never shaken by the judgment of other people and knew exactly what a leader should be like. Without any doubt, the customers were satisfied with the products. Steve Jobs’ way of working with his workers and coming up with ideas to fulfill the public was one of the most outstanding reasons that Apple could successfully come this far. 

Steve Jobs had personal goals that he was committed to achieving with Apple. He made it clear that he never aimed to become the richest man, unlike his rival, Bill Gates. He had only focused on making Apple a more convenient form of technology for all users. Considering all ages, he made their lives more manageable. A lot of people were concerned about using advanced technology, regarding their age, but Apple was and is designed to fit any group of people. His goals were straightforward; to create simple and inexpensive products. Personal computers in the early 1900s were thought to be expensive to the general public. Before Jobs came through with his inventions, the technology industry created computers that only the rich people could personally afford. People who envied the rich were finally able to do ordinary tasks on the computer. Considering how many people wouldn’t be able to purchase the products, Jobs didn’t put earning money into his priorities. 

Steve Jobs valued simplicity in his products and made sure that his workers knew he wanted the products to work in just “three clicks''. He knew for a fact that the design should never take up much space on any desk or computer’s desktop. “To see what that means, compare any Apple software with, say, Microsoft Word, which keeps getting uglier and more cluttered with nonintuitive navigational ribbons and intrusive features. It is a reminder of the glory of Apple’s quest for simplicity” (Isaacson). This proves how Jobs’ products were never challenging, but rather something that was comfortable to use. Compared to opposing software companies, Apple was preferred by many. People were satisfied with how the machine looked friendly. The computers, phones, etc. were never a burden to the users. For people who wanted to keep track of recipes or have easier access to their bank accounts, it came into great use for organizing. People working for a specific field or professors of some sort could use it without any problems. Jobs was certain that the public should be the ones benefiting from purchasing the products, not him. 

Steve Jobs focused on the importance of making his products unique and different from other technology products. Through constructing the base models of the iPhone, iMac, and more, Jobs provided the public with quick internet service. For the iPods, Jobs allowed the music industry to join the digital industry. Just around 5 years after the iTunes Store was created, it celebrated its selling of the one billionth song. With the help of the iPod, people did not have to bring physical copies of tapes or CDs wherever they went. After all, the iPod was the first portable technology that allowed people to enjoy music through the products of Apple. Additionally, instead of a rectangular box shape for computers, the original design leading up to the iMac or the MacBook was made taller and thinner. It reduced the amount of space needed on a desk. Due to this change, Apple sold almost 2 million iMacs in the first year they were available. Steve Jobs’ innovative idea of making computers impacted the design of software products in the future. Even other companies in the later generation followed his idea and started to make their products smaller and more affordable. Steve Jobs’ creative mind for design and outstanding manner of making more manageable products benefited the world in a positive way.

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