Stimulants in Treating Children With ADHD Essay Example

📌Category: Disorders, Health, Medicine
📌Words: 906
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 20 April 2022

A disorder that should be closely looked at and more carefully handled is ADHD. ADHD stands for Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, it presents obstacles that include having a hard time focusing, being restless or hyperactive, lack of organization, and forgetfulness. Millions of people are diagnosed with ADHD in today's time, that it has become a careless diagnosis because it is so common. When diagnosed with ADHD, most children and adults are given the choice to take a stimulant. ADHD stimulants should always be optional for a person with ADHD because it helps tremendously and has many benefits to it. The question at hand is should ADHD medicine be necessary for children or adults with ADHD? If the child or adult struggles with severe ADHD then they should really consider taking the medication. The stimulant helps children's behavior in school, and helps adults stay on task in their busy lives. While it is extremely helpful to the people in a focused work space, it can have some serious side effects that someone without severe ADHD may not be able to handle and they should take some consideration about this strong drug. Therefore this concerns doctors that there may be lots of  misuse with this stimulant.   

Aside from all the doctors' concerns, studies show several beneficial factors rise when it comes to the opportunity of taking medications that help with ADHD. There are various situations where the stimulant will be useful. It is most beneficial in environments like school for children and teens, and for adults it will be most beneficial at the places that require the most dedication and focus like work and staying on task throughout the day. For example, a study argues that schooled boys are the most commonly diagnosed with ADHD because of their hyperactive, and aggressive behavior in their adolescent years. The stimulant is definitely recommended to those children with behavior like this because it is seen as a distraction to others and a distraction to their own education. The medication would help suppress their random outbursts and keep their behavior appropriate. As this also helps the child function better it also helps the families of these children from having to deal with their bad behavior at home. Therefore the medication should be a large consideration to families struggling with behavioral treatment for their children. 

With the increasing number of  rising diagnoses of ADHD patients, doctors have become more cautious on whether the stimulant should be prescribed or not.  While doctors are aware of the benefits that stimulants provide they want to be sure that each patient they are prescribing is a true victim of this mental illness. In a study, Autor Perri Klass states that she believes ADHD is a serious matter and a valid diagnosis. She states that  “Medication should be neither the first nor the only treatment used, some children find that the stimulants significantly change their educational experiences, and their lives, for the better.” (klass, perri). Different interviews were taken place with different doctors anone out of those few stated that with the rapid increase in ADHD diagnoses that they are worried that the stimulant is being misused by mainly teenage school students. Because of this doctors now take diagnosing teens and adults with stimulants more seriously and look deeper into the patients symptoms so they can fully decide if the medication will be necessary or not.

All studies will show the different sides of ADHD and how it affects a person. From personal experience, ADHD takes a toll on a child's school and home life and really affects our education in a negative way. Trying to keep yourself focused in school becomes more of a distraction as we are more focused on trying to pay attention, which takes our main focus away from lessons being taught. Home life becomes more difficult to function as we are easily distracted by the simple things around us. ADHD causes forgetfulness which makes it hard for children to remember things like homework that was assigned that evening or chores that were asked of us to complete. This is where the medication really does become an important factor because for those that severely suffer from ADHD, the stimulant helps keep us on track and will slow down the hyperactive behaviors. Studies state that stimulants help improve children's education and keep us on a schedule. 

While the stimulant is seen to be the first go to for people that suffer with ADHD, there are many side effects that make parents hesitant on letting their child take this strong drug. Some of these side effects the parents may be uneasy about are the loss of their child's personality, which sadly is true and does happen as the stimulant suppresses their exciting and sparkly personality. Alex smith interviewed a mom that was worried about losing her son's personality. He mentions in his article that instead of relying on the stimulant first, that behavioral treatment therapy could be an option if the doctor doesn't think the medication is necessary for the child. This helps answer our main question at hand on whether the drug should be necessary or not. Alex Smith states that if doctors don’t thing the symptoms of ADHD in a child are severe enough that the family should consider behavioral treatment or therapy first as studies show therapy is sometimes more beneficial first then resorting to the drug first. 

As shown, ADHD is a serious mental illness and should be taken into careful consideration by doctors and patients. It becomes the doctor and patients responsibility to decide if the medication to treat ADHD symptoms is necessary or not. By taking a close look at the patient's education or job life can help determine if it should be necessary. The benefits the stimulant provides will help correct all behavior issues and help the patients conquer the obstacles this mental illness presents.

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