Student Motivation Essay Example

📌Category: Education, School
📌Words: 771
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 21 August 2022

Motivation comes from the word motive,' which refers to a student's unique, desires, wants, or urges. It is also the process of motivating individuals to take action to achieve a set of goals. Mental elements that influence people's behaviour can be found in the context of job goals. One of the essential things is to inspire employees a potential to work to their full potential. By observing students who have dropped out of school and believe that their lives have become useless as a result of many failed attempts to thrive in life. Their motivation was lacking, and they had no one to encourage them to strive to be better people or achieve success in life. Some students today believe that all they have to do is go to school to obtain a certificate because their parents want them to. Some students believe that classes are tedious and annoying, as well as a waste of time and effort. Why do today's pupils feel this way?

Throughout this school year, I have realized that one of the main reasons why students feel unmotivated is the pressure that they are on. Whether it is them having too much schoolwork to do, or having to do multiple exams or quizzes in one week. Students' stress and anxiety levels have been proven to rise as a result of pressure to perform well in school, resulting in poor physical, social, and emotional health. Students may be under pressure to earn greater grades and academic success from their parents, school, and teachers. Most schools have a specific expectation on what grades or results each student has to receive, with these expectations being put on the students they will feel a constant academic pressure being put on them which can lead to poor self-esteem, and because of poor self-esteem most students will lack interest motivation in subjects and school altogether. More than 30 percent of students who seek services for mental health issues report that they have seriously considered attempting suicide at some point in their lives, up from about 24 percent in 2010, Not everyone has the same reaction to anxiety and pressure. Some children may experience headaches, while others may experience uneasiness. Stress in children can appear as both physical and behavioural effects. Stress can be visible in a variety of ways, both obvious and subtle. Irritability and nervous conduct are two examples that are simple to spot. Other symptoms, such as muscle soreness, are less obvious.

This lack of interest isn’t just caused by the pressure it can also be affected by the grades that each student gets after an evaluation. Grades are a great way for the teachers to get feedback on their performance, and in some cases, it may give some students motivation to work harder, but in other cases grades can have a negative effect, grades have been linked to increased stress, anxiety, and cheating behaviours, as well as lack of involvement in group projects, which leads to students wanting to avoid challenging courses and not want to earn new things and explore new topics. Grade has had a negative effect on a student from a long time ago this isn’t something new or a new problem in 2012 32.9% of students have taken medication for mental health concerns. Over the last three school years, the percentage of students seeking mental health services has risen by 8%. Some students get low grades because a certain subject is too difficult so this leads to them having a challenging time understanding it, because of the difficulty they end up failing, and the low grades that they have received can lead to the students feeling like a failure. This makes them lose interest and motivation in studying all subjects even the ones that they had an interest in.

With every problem comes a solution!!! as big of an issue as students lacking in motivation is it can be helped. With the constant pressure students just need to make things a bit more fun and interactive, most students see schools as a prison or as a chore that they have to do, but if we make classes more fun students will become more motivated to listen and complete the work. Including exciting activities in the school day can help children who struggle to stay involved, as well as make the classroom a more welcoming environment for all students, the teacher’s interest in teaching also plays a big part in the student’s motivation in that subject. Sometimes the simplest way to relieve students from pressure and stress is to give less homework because more homework doesn’t always mean that students learn more. Homework should only be assigned if necessary. Students put more effort into their homework when it is limited, this way teachers can look for quality, not quantity. In a class full of students who are only listening to lectures they will lose motivation, for students to be more active in classes make sure that they are working as well.

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