Succeeding as an Individual Is Better Than Succeeding as a Team (Free Essay Sample)

📌Category: Philosophy
📌Words: 343
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 23 September 2022

Imagine you made it big in life. You are happy, relaxed, living your best life. Succeeding individually is better than succeeding as a team because succeeding as a team provides benefits such as no distractions to hold you back as well as becoming more self reliant.

Succeeding as an individual allows for less distractions and for more time being used to be productive. Someone such as Jeff Bezos created his own company on his own, which allowed for him to continue on working and reaching his goal without having anyone get in the way of his success. Yet some might express that someone like Michael Jordan, had a team around him and was able to win many championships with them and without them he would have not been successful. Both of these individuals succeeded in a different way, yet Bezos created his own company and became one of the richest people in the world, while being on his own. While succeeding individually contains the benefits of having nothing to slow you down, individual success also helps create the sense of self reliance.

Self reliance is easily gained from flourishing on one's own. The ability to figure out problems and other tasks is easier to come by when individually succeeding rather than with a team. While some might argue that these lessons are learned through team success, it is true that these lessons can be learned from teamwork, yet the lesson will not always have an effect on doing so as a team. From my personal experience, I worked as a team and we were able to succeed, yet when it came time for me to do so on my own, I was unable to be as effective. If I was on my own to begin with, I would have been able to build my self reliance/confidence and be successful on my own. My experience helps show that individual success provides better success and other aspects when compared to as a team.

Succeeding individually is far more important than succeeding as a team because it provides less distractions as well as for the ability to gain self confidence/reliance. So from now on, going solo can help you in more ways than you think.

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