Suicide in the Young Essay Sample

📌Category: Social Issues, Suicide
📌Words: 477
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 08 June 2022

“Why is the suicidal rate in young men increasing rapidly year by year?”

We all know that talking about suicide or even mentioning suicide can be a little sensitive topic. It’s probably one of the worst way to lose someone. Now when I tell you that young male are killing themselves three to four times as often as females would you believe me?

According to (King, Pitman & Krysinska 2012)  the amount of suicide deaths in young guys is probably substantially belittled. There’s also a lot of data that are often misclassified in terms of reporting, categories being wrongly placed, terms that are not getting defined correctly etc. Findings  from  studies done since 2000  show  that  suicide is among the top three to five causes of mortality in young men in most high-income and middle-income countries  sampled, and  that  accidental death  remains  the leading cause of death in young men for countries at all level of economic development. The social and economic costs of a young man dying by suicide in England has been valued 1.67 million. Despite measures like PYLL are susceptible to changes in demographics. structure, demonstrating the suicide's broader effects even when rhe suicide rate among young men is low or declining. Although media coverage have tended to focus on suicides involving young males, economic findings indicate that the burden of suicide between young women and middle-aged men is a substantial public health problem. In the country of Taiwan during the time between 1997-2007 the greatest increases in PYLL were seen in men aged 40-59 years. Now in Sri Lanka and Russia, these two countries have the highest ranked for suicides in young men internationally, the greatest total number of suicides in Sri Lanka are seen in men aged 41-55 years and women aged 21-45 years, and in Russia are seen in men aged 45-54 years.

There’s a lot of specific risk factors that can increase the risk of suicide in young men, substance abuse, mental health issues, ethnic origin, economic status, environment and marital status.  Unemployment, social deprivation, and media coverage of suicide have all been shown to influence rates of suicide in young men in specific parts of the world.

This study emphasizes the significance of developing regionally and nationally targeted ways to preventing suicide, as well as staying current on key mortality indicators in order to identify those who are most at risk of dying prematurely.

Studies that specify shorter and more consistent age ranges than previously done can provide a better knowledge of how the burden of suicide compares between age groups for each sex, especially in light of the distinct suicide patterns reported in adolescents and young adults. WHO may consider setting minimum requirements for the range of descriptive data reported in published research for each group studied, such as suicide rates, absolute number of suicides, proportionate, mortality ratios, suicide ranking as a cause of death, and PYLL. Because high-risk populations are always evolving, this multidimensional image would improve research cost-effectiveness and allow for a more flexible approach to suicide prevention.

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