The Beef and Reef Mystery Guest Analysis Essay

📌Category: Business, Management
📌Words: 886
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 07 September 2021

One must understand and have knowledge of guestology. When one has this knowledge, they seek a plan to provide exceptional service for their targeted customers. Their plan may include, training methods and setting standards for their employees. In the case study, The Beef and Reef Mystery Guest, we come across a story about the importance of making sure all employees are trained correctly and following the same procedures. If one wants to provide exceptional service, it should be consistent with each employee. It is crucial that a manager not only focuses on how their business is doing as a whole but also focus on what is causing their business to run the way it is. Also to consider that it may not be the employee’s fault but the fault of their own. 

In this case study, a problem arises between an employee and manager. The employee has not been trained properly, working their way, but still managing to provide exceptional service for the customers. However, when it comes to an important day where the business must show that the employees are following service procedure, the employee is left unsure of the correct serving standards that employees must follow. This then results in the manager confronting the employee telling her she has ruined the business reputation with headquarters. The employee is left shocked and reconsiders permanently work for them in the future. This shows that the reason this situation occurred is because of the manager’s improper training, not knowing how to be successful in service recovery, and having no communication. One can not expect an employee to change their ways after they have been praised for something they have been doing for two years. 

When it comes to the position of the manager, he should have trained and specify what he wants from his employees. In the textbook, we come across job performance standards, which are providing the employees with a clear performance expectation for their assigned position. If the manager wanted the employee to know that the service procedure was essential to know then he could have explained that in her training. He could have explained that it is necessary to use it on important days like the one they had, but not on other days, or if it was a set procedure that all employees must follow. Overall, communicating what he expects his employees to know.  In Managing Hospitality Organizations: Achieving Excellence in the Guest Experience, there is a story about training at Starwood Hotels. It talks about, “what it means to be “on brand.” (Ford, 211) Also how the training is aimed at making both the customer and employees’ experience on brand, by using specific terms. This example shows how the Beef and Reef restaurant’s manager could have avoided this situation. Consistency is key and if every customer is receiving the same high-quality service, then it can help main the restaurant’s image the same and create a brand for themselves. An article states, “When employees follow procedures, they perform tasks correctly and provide consistent customer service. This enhances the quality of your organization’s products and services.”(“Policy Management Software”) 

Another solution for the manager would be knowing the importance of fixing service failure. “Being successful in service-recovery is critical.”(Ford, 427) If the manager saw that Sally was struggling, he could’ve found a way on how to resolve this issue, but since he did not, the mystery shopper then complained to headquarters. Although Sally’s method of serving had good responses from customers, the manager should’ve known how to correct the interaction Sally had with the mystery shopper. Again, this also goes with the importance of training the employees correctly. An article states, “Training and coaching can help increase staff confidence in handling conflict and resolving issues.” If Sally were to be trained on how to recover from her service, the mystery shopper would have been understanding. “An unhappy guest may leave and tell as many others...A neutral guest may leave and forget the whole experience.” This service recovery is not only essential with the mystery shoppers, but for the business as well. When employees are properly trained to know how to fix or handle an unhappy guest, it can be beneficial for the business, in the long run, both satisfying the customer and saving the image of the business.  

When a restaurant has a strict set of serving standards for everyone, it helps create a more organized and efficient workplace. It will allow everyone to be on the same page and as an article stated, “Standardization provides a clear set of detailed instructions for performing each operating process. This ensures a uniform way of working that is clear to all staff in question.”(Jochem) It allows there to be clarity and communication within the team, allowing everyone to work together to achieve their goals. If everyone followed set procedures, there can also be a low risk of situations occurring. However, Sally was the one receiving the highest amount of tips and following her own way, perhaps there can be a compromise with the manager, of possibly merging her method with the set procedure, or allowing Sally to know the set procedure in case it must be used. 

Overall, the problem for this case study stems from improper training and employees not taking the initiative of asking questions. The business focus should be on guestology, understanding their guest’s wants and needs, and providing exceptional service. (Ford, 4) There should be better communication within this establishment, as well as knowing how to be successful in service recovery. If there was more organization and preparation for that day of the mystery shopper, this situation could have not occurred, but since the manager assumed everyone was on the same page, it resulted in a downfall for the company.

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