The Benefits of Dual-Enrollment Programs Essay Example

📌Category: Education, Higher Education, Online Education, School
📌Words: 488
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 19 June 2021

While College level classes may be difficult, Students who take dual enrollment as highschool students develop time management skills, save money, and graduate college early. Through online learning outside of school students are given the opportunity to find subjects and classes they enjoy creating a pathway to their ideal occupation. 

Through online learning outside of schools it gives highschoolers the opportunity to learn new things that they may enjoy outside of school and is beneficial for exploring personal interest. When a student enters into a new class whether it be online or in person, they are then exposed to the class and it increases the range of diversity within the student body of the school. When students take online classes outside of school whether it be make-up work or new classes or even dual enrollment for college, it can create a more flexible schedule for the student allowing him/her to work as much or as long as they need or want and  online classes allow  students to learn through their own passion and pace  

Highschoolers tend to be rather busy throughout the year whether it's with sports, clubs or even student council, online classes out of school force students to learn time management skills. Since the school won't be able to provide an organized time for all the students that take the online class, this causes the student to place there time in the class inbetween schedule times causing them to learn how to plan and set meeting, activities, interviews, ect in between classes in college or even jobs. It is also proven that highschoolers that have taken dual enrollment and other online classes are more prepared as a freshman in college.

When you take dual enrollment classes or online classes you have the chance to save money on college courses at a young age and the chance of graduating college early! When highschool students take dual enrollment they have the chance to earn college credits which can be used to meet graduation requirements earlier than normal and when you take dual enrollment it tends to much cheaper in fact according to pearson dual enrollment classes can be as low as $400, while the average college credit course is $2,336! When students graduate early they also save money on room and board cost.

Research shows that highschoolers who take dual enrollment are more likely to enroll into college full time, earn higher grades, and graduate college! From a study in 2017 from the university of columbia 88% of students enrolled into college classes at the age of 18-20, of those 46% of people enrolled in community college and the other 64% enrolled into full time college. A study from the University of Texas  found that students who have taken dual enrollment are twice as more likely to remain in college than those who didn't take dual enrollment.

In conclusion, students who partake in dual enrollment and online classes outside of school develop management skills useful when they become an adult, save money from college, graduate early, and have a jump on finding the ideal occupation. With all these benefits why wouldmt you want to take dual enrollment?

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