The Benefits Of Uber Essay Example

📌Category: Business, Corporation
📌Words: 832
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 12 February 2022

Don’t have a ride to work? An Uber can get you there on time with just the click of a button. Trying to get somewhere fast but your car is at the shop? An Uber can get you there. The Uber app is a way consumers needing a ride can get one. Simply by going on the app, requesting a driver, the driver will then pick you up, and finally take you to your desired location. Over the time the app has been made, it has acquired a staggering 93 million riders in the United States (Deyan). Uber has taken the country by storm by becoming an everyday app used by people. Uber has a positive impact on our society because it helps people to get to work, it allows less pollution through UberPool, and it causes safer conditions when people are intoxicated. 

Getting to work in the morning is a hard thing to do in itself. Sometimes people do not have gas, share a car with a family member, therefore, cannot always have access to a car, or simply just do not own one. When living in an urban society, such as New York City, you witness that most people do not have cars of their own . 55% of people living in New York City do not own a car, what does that mean for the rest of the inhabitants of New York City (NYCEDC)? They have to get to their jobs through other means. Uber is an efficient way to get to work when not owning a car. You can order the Uber straight to your house and have it drop you off at your work. After you finish your shift, the Uber driver can meet you outside and take you back home. You can schedule an Uber for the exact time needed to get to your house and when leaving work. This helps with the daily need of attending your job. The development of Uber allowed for a solution for people who struggled with this problem.

Every day when driving in our cars, we cause some sort of detriment to our Earth. Air pollution caused by our cars is becoming a problem and harming the air we breathe. We tend to see the worst air pollution in larger cities that have more cars. There is a way to combat the amount of pollution we cause. Carpooling, riding with others headed towards or to similar locations, though can help lower the amount of air pollution we cause. Uber helps with this through a feature on the app called UberPool. Through this feature, you can Uber with other people who are along the way to your destination. This feature allows you to get to the place you need to go while at the same time causing less damage to the environment. This has a significant impact on our society because it allows for a positive way to get our needs done with also improving our life. Places where carpooling is seen more has been seen to have better air than in other places. 

Every 52 minutes, drunk driving kills one person (Borrelli). After a night of drinking, some people believe they are sober enough to drive, however, they are not. Even if you only had one drink it can affect you terribly without you even realizing it. Drinking and driving is a daily occurrence that can be prevented. Apps such as Uber allow drunk people to get home without having to be behind the wheel. An Uber can pick up the person who is intoxicated and take them back to their homes without the risk of getting home by themselves. This offers an alternate solution to driving while drunk or riding in a car with someone driving drunk. Through Uber, people do not have to drive home drunk, this helps protect the lives of the drunk people and others who are driving at the same time. 

Some believe that Uber is not a true development that positively affects our society. They say that there are other alternatives such as taxis, bikes, or public transportation. These other ways of travel are not always available to every person. Some people do not own a bike and sometimes are not available for rent. Also, one typically does not see a taxi or public transportation in a rural area. Uber has taken initiative by employing over 3.5 million drivers all over the country that are available in almost every area (Deyan). Therefore, it is more efficient to use an Uber than other means of travel. Uber’s impact on our society is positive by allowing us to be able to use it everywhere. 

Careers of people who do not own cars can be improved through the creation of the app, Uber. It provides transportation to work when there is no other option. The steps Uber is taking to become more environmentally friendly through the feature of UberPool allow for the improvement of the air we breathe, therefore, our daily lives. The easy access to prevent drunk driving by people who are intoxicated overall benefits our daily lives. This improves it because it allows everyone who is driving to remain safe along with the drunk person.  In conclusion, Uber benefits are society through the efficient transport to our place of work, the positive environmental impact, and the protection from drunk drivers.

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