The Case Against Competition Article Analysis

📌Category: Articles
📌Words: 487
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 17 March 2022

When it comes to young children playing competitive sports. It's not a relatively good idea to let them play these types of sports. Why? You may ask. When young children through the ages of 5-15 years old start playing these sports they might start struggling with school and classes causing them to do poorly academically. And that these competitive sports can affect a child's concentration which makes them focus more on sports rather than focusing on school or other things.Also these sports can change a child's mindset causing them to be overly aggressive and competitive causing them to be left out and struggle socially as a person. Because in these sports they are told that winning is the only option.

In the article “The Case Against Competition” written by Alfie Khon, he states that “researchers have concluded that children do not learn better when education is transformed into a competitive struggle” this shows how when the child’s education is rapidly transformed into a competitive state of playing these sports they tend to start doing poorly in school and there academic skills drop. Because they are more focused on sports rather than school and learning. This can affect them in the long run.

Also to tag along with this Alfie also states that “competition often makes the kid anxious and that interferes with their concentration” This shows that competitive sports can affect a child’s concentration. And this can cause the child to start doing poorly in school and classes because their mind is more focused on sports rather than on what the teacher is saying or teaching. Causing the child to start doing poorly academically.Also this can cause them to not listen to others which could make peers have disgust and hate towards the child. And causing the child to be left out of society which affects them socially as a person.

Lastly Alfie states “It’s remarkable when you stop to think about it that the way we teach our kids to have a good time is to play highly structured game in which one individual or team must defeat another” This shows us that a child can turn very competitive because that's what they are told to do in sports to win. And this may affect their social skills making them over competitive to others always thinking everything is a race or a game and whoever wins it is the best. This could cause people to view the child differently and have hate or disgust towards the child. As the only thing the child knows is to win and play rufly.

This all shows why allowing children to play these types of competitive sports is not always a good idea. Competitive sports aren't always the right choice because it causes them to have poor attitudes and have aggressive and competitive behavior towards peers. That could cause the child to be left out and struggle socially as a person.And when their surroundings are changed to a competitive state it can cause them to start doing poorly in school.Because there concentrated more on these sports rather than what the teacher is telling them and cause them to start doing poorly academically.

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