The Choral Program at Manchester High School (Narrative Essay)

đź“ŚCategory: Education, Experience, Life
đź“ŚWords: 1070
đź“ŚPages: 4
đź“ŚPublished: 18 June 2021

Everyone has values, whether they define who someone is, how they think or what they do. Values are qualities that define what is important in life, affect everyday relationships and can be used to aid someone in making a decision. Compassion is checking in on people, reaching out to others, and respecting others while being caring and supportive. Compassion is used in everyday life and is more often used than many think. The Choral Program at Manchester High School, consists of four choirs and three show choirs including the show choir that I’m in called Capital Swing. In a normal year, we would be having long rehearsals, inspiring performances, exciting competitions and making thousands of unforgettable memories. Throughout the last few years, my show choir director has not only taught me more about singing, dancing and performing. The program has also taught me many valuable life lessons. My show choir director, Mrs. Kim, has taught me the importance of compassion, reaching out to others and caring for them when they feel like no one else will.

Show choir has taught me the importance of sympathy and putting myself in another’s shoes. Recently, a member of our group had a family member pass away, this was very devastating to hear. There were a few students close to this person while some weren’t. The group joined together in an effort to comfort him, and let him know that any one of us is there for him. Mrs. Kim then proceeded to talk about how people sometimes don’t know what someone might be experiencing. She said we should support those who are in need of a friend, listen to their concerns and offer comfort. This situation illustrates compassion because we were all showing compassion for the student. It also made me feel good knowing I could make a person’s day better by simply being able to listen. We planned that those who were interested could send handwritten letters to the family. We made a special effort to do something thoughtful for another student as a community. Everyone in the group attempted to lend a helping hand, whether we were close friends or not. He spoke out and said he appreciated all of the love. This specific example made me acknowledge those around me. Helping others and showing compassion has changed my outlook on different circumstances. Mrs. Kim goes the extra mile to make her students feel welcomed, appreciated, valued and loved. Her effort in letting people know that she is simply there to talk, is comforting. This event among many other similar ones have taught me the importance of compassion and putting others first. 

I have known from a young age that I should treat people the way I want to be treated. But Mrs. Kim took that to another level for me because I was able to reach out to a peer I wouldn’t normally speak to and “show up” for them. Mrs. Kim uses the phrase “show up” almost every class, whether it referencing compassion or simply paying attention. She often speaks on the importance of having an emotional support group. Having someone or a group of people to fall back on is better than keeping my feelings to myself. What I was taught at a young age is different from now, because I don’t have concern for only myself or my friends and family. It’s for people I don’t know or people I haven’t met. I’m able to sympathize with another person and make sure they know they are not alone. Being in a group of people with different backgrounds have helped me understand others' problems and the importance of compassion.

Show choir has illuminated the importance of reaching out to others to benefit myself and to let people be there for me. The show choir group I am in is more than just an elective class or a group, it's a family. Obviously no one imagined we would be here in the middle of a pandemic, but we are. Mrs. Kim sheds light on that every class, letting us know that we aren’t alone, that we can reach out to others and that a lot of us feel alike. She finds really creative ways to remind us of old times and to allow us to express our feelings. For example, some classes we do Nearpods to create a sense of community and normalcy. Additionally, she includes a comment section on the exit forms in order to provide a space to communicate anything to her. She lets us know that even when times are rough, she is only one text message away. It is a good reminder that I’m not alone and even people I don’t talk to or see everyday are willing to empathize with me. Being on the receiving end of compassion shows me how it feels to have someone on my team. There are so many times during this past year where I have felt things I don’t understand because I haven’t experienced them before. Mrs. Kim assures every person that there is someone who feels or has felt similar to what that person is feeling. Often, people simply need to get a thought out of their mind, it doesn’t mean the person listening has to agree or offer advice. Most times it is nice to have someone listening. Compassion means letting others “show up” for me. Talking to others shows the other person that I trust them and can confide in them. This can benefit myself because I am able to talk to someone judgement-free instead of keeping it all inside letting everything build up. This class has taught me that I am not alone and in the event that someone doesn’t understand what I am facing doesn’t mean they don’t want to try. By “showing up for yourself” I am putting myself in the best position to succeed by not drowning myself in my worries.

This value has taught me how to comfort and care for others. Showing compassion makes me understand that not everyone is going through what I am as I don’t necessarily understand what they are experiencing. There will be someone to lean on. Compassion has aided me in understanding the world around me and improved my communication skills. This value will help me in the future with my future career and family. Since being a part of this community, I have understood that if someone hasn’t reached out to find help or someone to talk to doesn’t mean they don’t want it. It’s important to communicate with people and let them know that someone is there for them. My show choir director, Mrs. Kim, has taught me the importance of compassion and caring for people when they feel as if no one else does. This class over the last three years has taught me to “show up” not only for myself but for others as well.

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