The Concepts of Cosmetics (A Review of Literature Revision) Essay Example

📌Category: Beauty, Life
📌Words: 1175
📌Pages: 5
📌Published: 11 June 2021

Improving one's appearance has been a trend since the beginning of time. However, over time, efficiency has played a big factor in our day-to-day lives. That is why today we use cosmetics. Cosmetics are topical products that enhance one's beauty in a matter of seconds. When people think of the word cosmetics, they typically associate that term with makeup. This is not completely false, however, the word cosmetics is a substance applied to the human exterior; this also includes the mouth or teeth. Cosmetics are used to cleanse, enhance, or even protect the appearance of our bodies. In today's society, some cosmetics are universally used such as hair products and deodorants. On the other hand, cosmetics are controversial because of the ingredients, application, and religious aspects. There are big factors as to why cosmetics are still being used. Cosmetics have been used worldwide because of their diverse history, marketing, and production techniques.  

What is The History of Cosmetics?

Cosmetics have been applied worldwide due to society's expectations. Cosmetics were introduced during the BC period. The evolution of Cosmetics was observed and the early 3000 B.C. Kiritani Writes in his article, nails were painted to enhance the complexion of the skin. In Asian culture, it is praised to have lighter skin. To enhance a lighter complexion Kritiani observes that they used to put reds or bold colors on their nails. “Chinese were the first proof to have their nails painted with natural resources like bloods and flowers” (Kritani 2017). While the appearance was something that was valued in China, scents were prioritized in Egypt. As early as 1000 BC bathing became a cultural tradition for the wealthy in Egypt. Due to the warm climate, citizens would generate a lot of body odor. To decipher the wealth from the poor, the Egyptians that could afford it would bathe in oils and perfumes. “Women and men in Egypt used scented oils and balm to cover-up body odor and to bathe their skin” (Kritani,1). In Egyptian culture, it was seen as a huge sign of health. Fast forward to today's society, cosmetics are not only used for health but are used to enhance and morph one's appearance. A great example of this is the brand MAC cosmetics. MAC Cosmetics is typically known for their makeup, however, they have also reached and branded into skincare. MAC cosmetics were invented in the 80s. “They wore bold eyeshadow colors, such as pink, purple, green, and blue. Also, winged eyeliner started becoming popular, as well as frosted lipstick.” These are all common trends that are used not to benefit one's health, but to enhance their appearance. By using cosmetics you can make minor changes to your appearance to help you fit societal expectations. Not only are there societal expectations for how people present themselves, but cosmetics also have some expectations on how they're produced. 

What is The Production of Cosmetics?

Mass production of cosmetics I have started and the 20th century and has only grown bigger as time progresses. However, many cosmetic companies would incorporate toxic metals including lead, Mercury, and talc. Other cosmetic companies would use animals for their cosmetic experiments. When the media expose companies for this new societal expectation, cosmetic brands like mac would make their products cruelty-free as well as non-toxic. However, just because this was a societal standard in the US did not mean that every other country followed it. The US allows six medals to be and eyeshadows and 6 medals to be in blush. however, since China and the US are so interdependent on one another a lot of Cosmetics are produced in China. China's cosmetic laws are much freer than the US. They allow 12 metals to be in eye shadows and 15 to be and blush (Faten, 2). It is easy to tell that metal should not belong in makeup in the first place but the reflective shades provided a pleasing look. There have been plenty of studies around the world to determine how many metals are in cosmetics. A study observed by Dr. Amina was conducted in Canada. At the end of the study, it was concluded that a lot more medals were found in warmer Shades such as beiges, reds, and golds. The study exclaimed

“Twenty-five samples of five eye shadow colors (red, golden, orange, white, and pink) were purchased from the local market in Lahore. Samples were pre-treated and an atomic absorption spectrometer was used to determine the concentration of lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), and zinc (Zn). Total organic content in these samples was determined by the wet oxidation technique. The maximum concentration of Pb in eye shadow samples was detected to be 15.33 mg/g. The concentration of Pb in 80% of samples was found to be higher as compared to the permissible limit (10 mg/g) of Pb in cosmetics provided by Health Canada. “ 

Lead in cosmetics tends to lead to cancer at an older age. Because the eye socket skin is so thin any chemicals you apply to your eyes are extra sensitive. That's why marketing cosmetics emphasize sensitivity in most of their advertisements. 

What is Marketing in Cosmetics? 

Cosmetics have been used worldwide because of their diverse marketing techniques. In western civilization marketing techniques proposed that cosmetics should have a sexual relation to human beings. However, an eastern civilization makeup advertisement typically enhances Beauty. The reason why western civilization sexualizes makeup is when a human being is wearing cosmetics; their attributes to human proportions change. A study was conducted by the CDH and they found some shocking results.” The CDH suggests that people will attribute less humanness to women wearing heavy makeup (vs. no makeup) because heavy makeup causes perceivers to focus more on their sexiness and sex appeal rather than their internal characteristics (Philippe,2). This essentially means that humans focus more on the sexual appeal of a cosmetics object.(Carlota ,1). That also applies when looking at perfume advertisements. Agencies don't sell the product, but the sexual sensations and moods that come with the smell. Another cosmetic advertisement that is viewed in western industries with sexual attributions would be mascara. A typical advertisement will include a nude model wearing fake lashes and posing in front of the camera. Although this may seem like a plus sign there is another source that contradicts this information. Apparently, in society, we associate cosmetics with less experience. A study found that “Women with heavy makeup were attributed lower attributions of humanness, agency, and experience (Philippe, 3).” These two sources emphasize how society says you should wear makeup even though there are negative attributes that are associated with you when applying cosmetics. 

Cosmetics have been around since 3000 BC and the industry continues to grow today. Different societies have different beauty standards which make the marketing techniques of Cosmetics very unique to each Nation. Cosmetics are a growing industry but still need much improvement. The amount of toxic metals and chemicals used in cosmetics is astounding. There needs to be regulation on what metals are safe for your skin as well as chemicals. Although it may be a cheaper option to buy your Cosmetics from China They use these toxic metals because it is a cheaper option for the companies which means that they get more profit and return. However, that is not the only thing that has changed about cosmetics in recent years. In recent years the advertisements of cosmetics have become very sexual in western civilization. The reason for these events is because many human beings share a sexual relationship with cosmetics and the feelings induce. To conclude, cosmetics have been used worldwide and the industries changes in terms of marketing and cosmetics.

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