The Differences between Butterflies and Moths Essay Sample

📌Category: Animals, Environment
📌Words: 279
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 12 October 2022

Butterflies and Moths are majestic creatures that are similar in many ways,but not really alike.They have a couple differences that can help you tell them apart.Some of these are hard to find,but others are pretty easy to find.

At first,moths and butterflies seem to have identical life cycles.First eggs are laid,then they hatch and become caterpillars.Then the caterpillars eat and eat until they have enough body fat to become a pupa.Instead of a chrysalis,moths have cocoons.They then hatch and become butterflies or moths.This is one of the major differences between moths and butterflies.Moths also take around 4-10 days to hatch out of its egg and become a caterpillar.Butterfly eggs only take around 3-6 days to hatch. 

Moths and butterflies have unique characteristics!Both moths and butterflies have wings made of thousands of hairs and scales.Many of these are colored.You can identify a butterfly by looking at the color of its wings.Most of the time,butterflies produce more colors in their wings.They are also more vibrant than moths.Usually moths have brown or gray wings.When  butterflies fold their wings,they are folded vertically.Moths only fold them horizontally.Moths have furry bodies,where butterflies have smooth bodies.

Moths and butterflies have surprisingly unique diets!Butterflies usually stick with sweet nectar from plants and flowers.Moths also drink nectar from plants and flowers,but they also eat natural fibers from things such as  clothes,carpets,drapes,etc.Wool,cotton,silk,cashmere,and lint is also their main sources of food.That is one of the reasons people have mothballs in their closet.Moths eat natural fibers because they have a special protein called keratin.This is what your nose and ears are made of.

Butterflies and moths are legendary insects who have many similarities but many differences.They can be easily mistaken as one another but are also pretty different too!Even though they are unique in their own ways,they are one of the most loved insects in the world!

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