The European Exploration Essay Sample

📌Category: History
📌Words: 744
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 04 June 2022

The European Exploration was in the 1500s where Christopher Columbus was set to find a west route from Europe to Asia. When he was on his way to find a new route he found new land which was the Americans, and he found Natives Americans which lead to the Columbian Exchanges. The Europeans got a lot of good things out of the exploration. The Native Americans and Africans mostly didn't get any positive things and they were treated poorly. The impact of the European exploration was mostly negative but had few positives because the Native Americans were killed, the population decreased, the Africans were used as slaves but the Europeans got a lot of good things out of it.

The Europeans got mostly a Positive impact out of the European exploration, they were able to make money and gain new products/manufactured goods from the Columbian Exchange. When the Europeans found America they went to find gold but instead, they didn't find gold and ended up finding people, and lots of new products that led to the Columbian exchange. As seen in a diagram from the patterns of civilization textbook, it shows what they traded with the Americas, they have gotten new products from the Native Americans such as Tobacco, Peppers, Sweet potatoes, Corn, Beans, Vanilla and so much more (Document B). The Europeans gained a lot of money from those products they had gotten from the Native Americans mostly from cotton. In a diagram from the patterns of civilization textbook, it explains mercantilism it says “England sells finished cloth to America and England’s rival France” and “England gets gold and depletes France’s gold reserves”(Document H). England did get the gold they wanted by selling a lot of things. The Europeans mostly had a positive impact on some parts of the European Exchange because they gained a lot from it. 

 The Native Americans mostly had a negative impact on European exploration because they were killed, used, and had massive population decreases. When the Europeans came and found the land, they also found people, the Europeans wanted to have land but the natives were already there. The Europeans wanted the Native Americans to do their work and use them. As seen in the letter from Christopher Columbus to the Queen of Spain in the 1500’s it says “So that they are good to be or about, to work and sow(farm)”, they will “build towns” and “adopt our customs”(document A). The Native Americans were also killed as seen in an Aztec account from 1519, the Europeans attacked the Aztec and the “slaughter in the scared patio went on for three hours”(Document B) and from another written account it says “a great plague brought in Tenochtitlan” it also describes the sickness and how it kills many people (Document F). The population from the Native Americans decreased dramatically in a graph from the patterns of civilization textbook about the population; it went from 25.3 mils in 1519- 1 mil in 1605. The Europeans had caused a lot of bad things to happen to the Native Americans and it was mostly negative for them.

The Africans had a Negative Impact because they were enslaved and they were put in very horrible conditions and treated poorly. The Europeans took Africans to the Americas and sold them for money, they would be put in a boat where they would be crowded. A Diagram from 1788 published from the Plymouth chapter shows how the Africans would be placed in this cargo ship. The Africans are really crowded and very close together, taking up the entire boat(Document C). The Africans were put in terrible conditions. In an excerpt from the Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, it says that the smell became bad for breathing and “brought on a sickness among the slaves, of which many died”(Document E). It also says that it “was so crowded that each had scarcely room to turn himself” would suffocate them and they would be put in chains (Document E). The Africans mostly had a negative impact on behalf of European Exploration.  

The impact of the European Exploration was mostly negative because the Native Americans suffered a lot and the African were treated poorly. From the exploration the Europeans got goods from the Columbian Exchange, the Natives were used and killed and the Africans were enslaved and treated poorly. Christopher Columbus was an explorer who found the Americans in the 1500s on his way to find a western route to Asia from Europe. The Columbian exchange is a trade from the New World to the Old World and the Old World to the New World. Overall it is mostly negative because the only positive things were for the Europeans while the rest of the people had to experience worse and it was more negative than positive.

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