The Help Literary Analysis (Essay Example)

📌Category: Books
📌Words: 537
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 22 October 2022

In the book «the Help» we can look at the different elements included to help us decide on a fitting theme. We can look at the usage of the setting, symbolism, point-of-view, plot, writing style and the message of the book to emphasize the theme. This text will be focusing on why the theme of the book is: “Even though we are women different races, we will need the other half to overcome your conflicts.” By reading this text you will get an explanation to why the theme mentioned earlier describes the soul of the book. This text will include an explanation of the theme through the conflicts, symbolism, and the setting.

Conflicts plays a heavy role when it comes to deciding the theme of the book. In “the Help” the main conflict is racism and segregation in the American society during the 1960’s. We can see the conflict throughout the whole book by how the black maids are treated by their bosses. Another important conflict is when Miss Skeeter is looking for maids to interview for her book. The black women working together with miss skeeter clearly reflects the theme, it shows female empowerment, but also the two races overcoming challenges together. The conflicts in “the Help” are therefore a notably factor to include when finding a fitting theme.

On the other hand, symbolism is a significantly part to incorporate too when choosing the theme. This paragraph includes symbols that are crucial when deciding the soul of the book. The mimosa tree in Celia Foote’s garden is often mentioned in Minny’s chapters, for example in this sentence””. There is strong evidence that the mimosa tree symbolizes gender norms and with focus on the jobs that was before seen as female jobs. With the encouragement from her maid Minny, Celia Foote cut down the tree, and in theory dispose of her problems and difficulties. Early in the book we learn that Aibileen’s son, Treelore, died. The book is written in a singular first person’s point of view, and Aibileen therefore tells us herself that a seed started growing inside of her. There are good grounds of claiming that the seed growing inside of her symbolizes rage and hatred, but mostly the opposition towards segregation and racism. These symbols contribute to strengthen the choice of the theme. 

The setting in the book contributes to understanding the theme. The characters are mentioned in the paragraphs above, and the examples they are included in demonstrates how the people in “the Help” play a part when deciding the theme. Another factor that contributes is the location that the Help takes place, in Jackson, Mississippi. According to the Help, Jackson, Mississippi was one of the most racist places in the U.S. at the time. The location is mentioned several times throughout the book, and it is therefore emphasized by the author, and she wants us to notice this important factor.

To conclude, there are many factors incorporated when deciding on the theme: “Even though we are women different races, we will need the other half to overcome your conflicts.” In this text you read how the theme choice was influenced by some of the different elements included in the book. Firstly, the conflicts around segregation and racism, and the relationship between the maids and their bosses. Secondly, the symbolism of the mimosa tree and the “seed” inside of Aibileen, and. Lastly, how the characters and location contributed to deciding a theme. 


Kathryn Stockett. (2009). The Help. New York: Penguin Group.

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