The impacts of Social Media Essay Sample

📌Category: Entertainment, Social Media
📌Words: 510
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 15 March 2022

The social issue I chose to write about is The impacts of Social Media. This issue is important to me because A Lot of things can happen on Social Media, and I hate to see people Hurt or get scammed because of social media. The change I am hoping to see is Social media companies will stop scams from happening before they scam people or delete Dangerous trends before people do them. I want to see this change because Social media can be a negative thing because it can affect people's Health, It might encourage people to do Dangerous things, It can scam unsuspecting people.  

Furthermore, a reason I would like to see change is How does social media affect your health? Social media is very addictive and can cause people to be scrolling for Hours. In Fact the more people spend on social media the more likely they are to be diagnosed with Depression. Researchers for Microsoft surveyed 476 people and analyzed their Twitter profiles for depressive language, linguistic style, engagement and emotion. From this, they developed a classifier that can accurately predict depression before it causes symptoms in seven out of 10 cases. I think that social media companies should put up ads saying you have been scrolling for a while and you should maybe stop or they could let you set up a time limit for each day.Another reason I would like to see change is because Dangerous trends send millions of people to the hospital. It's not the best to post something on social media that is dangerous and causes you harm. Take the milk crate challenge,  Henry Schuitema, chief of emergency medicine at Jefferson Health in New Jersey, said his hospital recently saw one patient who suffered several fractured ribs after participating in the challenge. Schuitema said TikTok and other social media platforms were to blame for spreading and promoting the Milk Crate Challenge. I think that when A dangerous social media trend is posted, it should be deleted soon after so other people don't try to do it. 

A final change I would like to see is How does social media scam you? This is because People want your social media account so they ask for your password on a website that looks like twitter, But it's not twitter it's a fake website that gives the hacker your information. According to the Minnesota Attorney general said Don't Take the Bait. If you take the bait then you lose your social media account and then the person who hacked you will hack others as well.

In closing, my social issue of the impacts of social media matters in the long run because The more people use Social media the more People will get hacked, or get hurt from trends. This issue is important and affects so many people because A Lot of things can happen on social media and I don't like to see people Not Happy and Hurt because of things on social media.  I hope I have convinced you to Help stop these social media problems. I trust you will do the right thing and help me in making the world a better place by helping those who Get hacked, Or get hurt, Or even get depressed will help people stop.

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