The Importance of Smaller Steps to Reach Success Essay Example

📌Category: Philosophy
📌Words: 449
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 16 August 2022

Perhaps many people have the wrong view of what success Is. They might say that success Is about being famous and adored by people; It's about adaptability to different situations, being a statistic person with a plan B, and having a rational decision-making ability. Success is an achievement of something you have been trying to do to maybe reach a certain desired status.  You can't define success; it varies from person to person. I assume that these three statements are crucial embodiment to acquire success.  Not everybody is a learning-prophecy, everyone analyses understands, and processes information differently and you can't just assume that everyone will become a person of success just because they embody these characteristics. This is why I, in my opinion, encourage the importance of small steps. 

Being adaptable is an excellent characteristic to embody because it makes you more aware of your situations and surroundings. Adaptability is how easily someone can adjust to change or new situations. Those who are highly adaptable can easily switch from one activity or location to another; without any problems. This is a good trait seen among many leaders and high-ranking officers. If we take a real-life example of two employees, one who works as an assistant and partially handles everything is more capable compared to someone who only works at a register. 

A strategist in a business is like the queen in a chess game; they are the best role to embody in this type of context. What makes a good strategist is the ability to inspire clients and the creative department to agree on your terms for a specific request. Creating and tracking progress against an annual operating plan is an essential management tool for any company. A well-articulated 3 to 5-year long-term view of a company should inform the yearly business plan. Strategy creates a higher level of awareness and delivers a greater focus on activities that will make the organization more successful.

A rationalist is sensible and can make decisions based on intelligent operations rather than emotion-based thinking. They think with their brain, not their heart. An example of a rational is someone who says sorry after an argument when he knows he was at fault.

To be rational is a crucial characteristic owned by successful people. Because they ofter think about that is better for the company and not just what is better for themself. They operate for the future, not the present. Your first step is the beginning of your journey to the palace of success. It could be as simple as scheduling a healthy and balanced schedule. 

You must be patient and be open to suggestions if you want to have a successful business. Remember not to be greedy and brag about your accomplishments. Remember that success is silent and that the lion doesn't roar after killing its prey. Small steps help us create valuable habits, which help us achieve big goals.

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