The Importance of Writing in Future Endeavors

đź“ŚCategory: Education, Learning, Writing
đź“ŚWords: 641
đź“ŚPages: 3
đź“ŚPublished: 27 January 2022

Most have an idea of what they would like to do when they grow up and pursue their dreams whether the individual likes it or not, most careers require a prominent level of writing, especially when communicating with others. My dream career has always been to make it as an officer in the Air Force, this is due to having a heavy military-based family. I would say my grandparents and my great-grandparents have always been my literacy sponsors due to them having a substantial influence on me succeeding in education, in hopes of me making it as an officer in the Air Force. Deborah Brandt describes sponsors as “agents, local or distant, concrete or abstract who enable, support, teach, or model, as well as recruit, regulate, suppress or withhold literacy”.(Sponsors of Literacy P2) 

There are many beneficial elements associated with a high level of writing not only in a school career but specifically for me it's getting into my dream career. Writing skills show the foundation upon which others judge your education, intelligence, and values in our society. I realized that writing would be important to my future when I understood what I’d like to do when I grow up (that being an officer in the Air Force) which would be my freshman year of high school. I understood that in order to communicate at a high level with my future peers I would need to improve my literacy skills through a high level of education.  

Growing up I have always been a solid student but to make it in my career I'd need to prove it to my overseers that I took my education seriously. To convince them that I took my education seriously I would know that I’d have to really pay more attention, get those grades up, and most importantly improve my writing capability to reach my goal. In my generation, it's not a popular trend to keep those grades up and pay attention in class, but rather to party and slack off. My parents and grandparents did not raise me to do such, and I'd know if I went off track of my goal, I wouldn’t be making them proud. So, it was hard, but I powered through it and so far I've stuck straight to my education. 

Intelligence is an important part of the military no matter what branch you’re in, and I know since I will have to go through a tremendously tough set of courses for the Air force officer program, I will have to prove my inner intelligence through writing [inner intelligence: “the seat of intentional consciousness, attention, interior experience, and intelligence or lines of development” (integral city P1)]. A critical component of writing is vocabulary, and without a high level of vocabulary, it's hard to try and get your point across. Having a top-notch vocabulary also allows an individual to be able to read important emails, messages, letters, etc. In the position, I plan to be when I grow up this is an important skill that I hope to greatly improve upon in the near future. 

One can express his or her values in many different ways, but the most important way to express one's values is through writing in my opinion. Writing is a fantastic way to express one’s character, word usage, sentence patterns, transitional words, syntax, starting and finishing tactics, and so on... are all ways one reader can judge your character when writing, it's typically what draws or repels a reader. Writing about your values, although they may not be popular, it shows for what you stand for, which is especially crucial in today's day and age. 

Without the skill and knowledge of writing, many would not be able to get as far in their careers as someone with the skill. Writing shows how others view education and how others view education and how important they prioritize it, while also showing their intelligence with their own use of vocabulary. Most importantly, writing brings out values and employers will look for values, especially in my career where how well you succeed in your military career is based upon how you prioritize those values.

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