The Interrogation of Ashala Wolf by Ambelin Kwaymullina Book Analysis

📌Category: Books
📌Words: 464
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 05 February 2022

This passage highlights the injustice and inequality the Illegals face in the novel. They are mistreated, unwelcomed, and threatened by the society. This is because they are people who have abilities. More importantly, people who have abilities are considered to not belong to the balance, according to the Citizenship Accords. Many people, including the Prime Ministers, soldiers and members of the board agree that people with abilities do not belong to the balance. They see Illegals as a threat to the society because of their strong powers. To control this, they have detention centres where they keep the captured Illegals to monitor their powers. They are mistreated by the soldiers through the methods they use to capture them. Furthermore, they are mistreated at the detention centres. 

Another important fact is the power of Neville Rose. As a Prime, he misuses his power and socio-economic status. An example is when he creates a third detention centre near the first wood. Also, he builds a machine to extract memories from Illegal. He trains soldiers to help him capture Illegals. To add on, he uses the citizenship accords to justify his methods and mistreatment towards the Illegals. He believes that they do not belong to the balance and therefore bring chaos. 

However, Neville rose is afraid of being overthrown by the citizens. This is because he wants to create a barrier between illegals and citizens. He does not want to create a balance or harmony where illegals can live along with the citizens of society. He wants to create a barrier so he can control. Also, one of his motivations is to win the upcoming election which will allow him to gain more power to mistreat the illegals. 

On the other hand, Ashala Wolf, leader of the tribe, wants Illegals to be considered as a person who belongs to the balance. She wants to fight against the injustice and system where Illegals are captured and put in detention centres. She wants to create a safe, inclusive environment, where illegals can be accepted without being scrutinized and threatened. Furthermore, she wants to show the world that illegals are not dangerous or a threat like the government illustrates them to be. This is because according to the citizenships accord those illegals whose powers are weak are allowed to live among others in the normal society whereas those who have strong powers are considered as a threat.

Therefore, this whole concept connects back to the passage where can a person with abilities belong to the balance. In this question and the solution to the question is why a Ashala wolf I'm her tribe in goal is and the whole reason behind their machine is to prove that four with abilities can belong to the balance. And this is what the whole novel is about a shallow wolf fighting for justice and helping others that secretly live with abilities to be able if you brought together and show the rest of the world that people with abilities do belong to the balance.

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