The Invention of Gunpowder in China Essay Sample

📌Category: History, History of China
📌Words: 964
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 19 June 2022

During China’s medieval era, they invented many types of inventions. One of the main inventions that changed their life for the better was gunpowder. It was manufactured and created under the Tang Dynasty. When their alchemists discovered the potential of gunpowder, it gave China an edge on future inventions and guns. Gunpowder gave China a way to protect and fend for itself during horrific wars. This research will support the use of gunpowder such as weaponry and fireworks.

In 850 C.E, there was great prosperity in the Tang Dynasty. The emperor secured merchant trades, small businesses, and rice production to thrive. This led China’s economy to grow rapidly, leading to a future of huge cities being built with an increase in population. The dynasty was organized by a structure called bureaucracy. A bureaucracy is a type of structure that has many levels of social classes for workers. They also practiced religions such as Buddhism and Confucianism. Buddhism is a type of religion that is based on the teachings of Buddha. Furthermore, Buddhism was founded by a prince named Siddhartha Gautama. The philosopher Confucius founded the religion, Confucianism. Gunpowder was very important in China because it helped soldiers fend off dangerous enemies. It also led to new weapons being built, such as cannons, bombs, and mines.

Gunpowder was originally made for fireworks but changed over time because of the new weapons that were made. By the 10th century, the Chinese created their first weapon called the flamethrower. It was mixed with oil and was used to spray enemies with fire. Later on, between the 11th and 14th centuries, The Chinese had created many more weapons, such as the artillery shell. The artillery shell would explode after being fired at an enemy with a machine called a catapult. The sound of the artillery shells exploding can confuse enemies and scare horses away. The Chinese also made small bombs called grenades that were lit and thrown by hand. Gunpowder also led to the discovery of rockets since most rockets contain gunpowder. 

The Chinese would make two-piece rockets that were used by propelling their first-piece of the rocket into the air and shooting arrows through the second-piece at enemies. Today, gunpowder is used in guns and mining.

The first reason why gunpowder had a huge impact on China was the countless victories in wars. They were able to weaponize the powder by incorporating it into their weponary, this included guns, cannons, bombs, and firecrackers. An article called “The Chinese Invention of Gunpowder, Explosives, and Artillery and Their Impact on European Warfare'' informs readers of the impact China had with weaponries. The quote starts with, “Indeed, this was one of the first battles in recorded military history in which firearms were used by both sides. At this stage of development, gunpowder was used primarily in ceramic grenades that were hurled by catapults. Used by the defenders of Pien, the grenades proved deadly to the Mongol warriors and their horses. The defenders of Pien used catapults because, at that point, Chinese cannons, like the early cannons implemented by the Europeans, had only limited effectiveness” ("The Chinese Invention of Gunpowder, Explosives, and Artillery and Their Impact on European Warfare). This is important because it shows how weapons influenced by gunpowder can change how people fight in wars. Many of these weapons also led to many victories in important events.  The second reason why gunpowder had a huge impact on society is that it affected how people's cultures were celebrated. For example, this article states that “Gunpowder has also deeply affected modern culture. Festivities and celebrations all around the world, such as the Fourth of July and Chinese New Year, consistently have fireworks as one of the main spectacles” (The Importance of Gunpowder). This is important because it shows how gunpowder can have an impact on how people celebrate their cultures and special events. Plus, this influenced other cultures from other parts of the world to discover gunpowder. 

 While gunpowder has impacted the world in many ways, some people argue that the compass was more important. Their stance would be that a navigational tool over a powder would be more useful. Back then compasses would help weary sailors or travelers find their way through the wilderness. An article called “Navigation and Seafaring” states that “Between the 11th and the 12th centuries, the Chinese began to use the magnetic compass for navigation. This device first appeared in China around the 4th century b.c.e. Over the next centuries, it was also used in fortune telling and in determining which direction buildings should face to achieve prosperity. The application of the magnetic compass in seafaring enabled vessels to stay on course even at night and to move across oceans instead of just along the coasts. By the 15th century, Chinese ships were sailing as far as South Asia, the Middle East, and East Africa'' (Navigation and Seafaring). This is important because it shows how compasses are effective and useful in navigation across the seven seas. During this time, it has enabled the Chinese to sail far places and establish overseas trading with other countries. However, gunpowder has given access to guns for hunting, protecting, and representing one of many features of Chinese culture, which are fireworks. It has given modern-day law enforcers a way to protect and serve the public. For example, a gun has helped law enforcement arrest criminals that have conducted illegal activities. Compasses aren’t used often since we’ve relied on GPS mapping. Our advanced technology has given airplanes and ships a way to navigate safely to their destination. But, you can still see guns being used all around the world today. You can see policemen with a gun holster, in case of emergencies. Some individuals carry a gun license to have their guns for protection.  

Gunpowder can carry out many purposes. Be it at the end of a gun or the sparkle of a firework, our modern world would be different if we didn’t have access to it. There are many cultures including Chinese New Year that have used fireworks for spectacular events. Without the invention of gunpowder, some victories wouldn’t have been made possible. In conclusion, gunpowder is the most important Chinese invention that has affected many indviduals in the past and present.

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