The Lorax Movie Analysis Essay Sample

📌Category: Entertainment, Movies
📌Words: 471
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 18 June 2022

The Lorax is a film directed by Hawley Pratt and written by Dr. Suess that exhibits Pathos, Logos, and Ethos as its primary appeals. The greater significance of the cartoon can be understood from these appeals. When industrialization expands, you will notice that nature is compromised, which isn't a good thing. The more significant symbolism behind this is that the children watching the cartoon have to understand that they are the next generation who must stop deforestation, and this is done with the introduction of wacky characters and the backstory of the Lorax, which signifies that he stands for what's good.

The film’s thesis is that you can see things such as nature go away with the growth of industrialization. In the last scene, the Onceler gives a tree seed to a child. Since the show is aimed at children, Pathos is appealed to more in order to make some colors more prominent than others so that he can show what is negative or positive. Logos is presented with the idea of the expansion of industrialization resulting in the reduction of natural resources.

Throughout the movie, we can see that The Lorax is often neglected and ignored when he tries to voice his opinion on what he cares about; in this case, he cares about the trees and the environment. A universal message throughout all stages of life, for the dispatch to reach the target audience, children, the director appeals to Logos and chooses a wacky character in The Lorax to demonstrate the message. The visual appeals of the movie set a happy and cheerful tone. The trees are in good condition, the animals live in harmony, and the audience can recept this and understand the general idea.

The music used in the show tries to help the audience embody a sense of a joyful feeling when the time is right and a gloomy feeling when the Onceler starts to take over. Not showing the face of the Onceler helps make the audience wonder who exactly is behind this and explain to them it isn’t a specific person and it is instead a general idea. In this case, that idea is Industrialism. Although, some may argue that the predominant devices used in this are different or that there wasn’t a target audience and it was meant for all ages. I believe that with the decision to make a cartoon based around characters such as The Lorax and the Onceler. And the usage of music and rhymes to help further bring out the Pathos, which each event in the show was meant for children. 

In conclusion, as stated previously, the more significant symbolism behind this is that the children watching the cartoon have to understand that they are the next generation that has to stop deforestation; this is done with the introduction of wacky characters and the backstory of The Lorax and the Onceler and what they both stand for. The effects of Onceler’s ideology being pushed more than The Lorax’s powerfully shows Pathos for the audience to make a greater connection.

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