The Martian Movie Analysis Essay Example

📌Category: Entertainment, Movies
📌Words: 379
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 20 August 2022

During a mission to Mars, an astronaut crew is hit with a storm, and had to head back to earth. One of their crew members, Mark (Matt Damon)  is thought to be dead after the storm and is left behind by his team. He survived, and is left stranded alone on mars. He needs to try to survive there until NASA can find a way to return him to earth alive. The Martian was directed by Ridley scott, and written by Andy Weir, who wrote the original book. Other notable cast members include Jessica Chastain, Sebastian Stan, and Naomi Scott. 

Regarding scientific accuracy in The Martian , as of now, a human has never been to mars. So far, only uncrewed spacecraft have made the trip. However, NASA is hoping to land the first humans on Mars by the 2030s, and the movie is set in 2035. At the beginning of the movie, a storm injures Mark (Matt Damon) and forces his crew to leave early. This is innacurate since the movie is set on Mars. Although Mars does get dust storms, the atmospheric pressure is so low that the wind isnt strong at all.  Also, one has grown anything on mars yet. Finally, as far as i can tell, Luckily, no astronaut has ever been left on another planet. Nothing has ever been grown on mars, but scientists say it could be possible.The soil has some of the nutrients plants need to grow and survive. plants would need to grow inside a controlled environment though. The look of mars is also super realistic in the movie. 

Watching the movie, I didnt notice the inaccuracies at all. Im not super educated on how space travel works and how things work on mars, so it makes sense that it wouldn’t bother me. The only huge inaccuracy is the fact that it’s set on mars, and not a planet astronauts actually visit. 

I feel that it’s a good thing that the truth was stretched for the sake of the plot. If the movie had been set on the moon it would have been more accurate, but less interesting. The growing of the potatoes is a pivotal point, and was necessary. So was the storm at the beginning. It started the whole story in an interesting way, even though it wouldnt happen in real life. I really enjoyed watching this movie and was interested almost the whole time. 

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