The Murder of Hae Min Lee Essay Sample

📌Category: Crime
📌Words: 399
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 06 October 2022

The murder of Hae min lee happened in 1990 when her ex-boyfriend killed her. In the news story, it was reported that Adnan Syed, the boyfriend strangled Hae Min Lee and they found strangle marks on her neck. Also, Miss Lee did not like Adnan Syed and his relationship with her daughter. Adnan and Lee didn't tell anyone that they were dating when they first got together because they were from different religions and they knew their families would accept it. Hae Min Lee’s brother did not know because “he did not know how long his sister and Syed dated, but thinks she broke up with him in November.”(Oakes). Young Lee not knowing how long they've been together meant she didn't let her family know for a while. 

The murder of Hae Min Lee has many stories and different perspectives of what happened to Hae Min Lee. In a different news story, they bring up Adnan Syed’s best friend which the initial news story failed to talk about. The new news story gave valid evidence of the murder, “That evidence included Syed’s friend, Jay Wilds, claiming that Syed asked him for help in burying the body as well as cellphone tower records that seemed to place Syed at the spot where Lee’s body was found.”(Margaritoff). Jay had a very important role in the murder of Hae Min Lee he gave evidence of what was going on and what Andan said to him and the fact that they found the body where Jay described is very informative but the initial story did not talk about him once.

The initial news story had a good amount of flaws that could be very useful for people to know. The initial story was biased compared to others because the initial story only had people from Hae Min Lee’s family as witnesses. Also, they left out information that could be used like “ He had helped Syed bury Lee’s body and get rid of her car.”(Margaritoff). The initial story could have used this in their news story and talked about his best friend Jay who was the person who helped. People might say that Jay is Adnan Syed’s best friend and that he could lie about everything. In another news story, they said that Jay’s information was correct and they found the body near the place he described. We can learn that the media’s role is very important and they need to make sure that they add more information about what they are talking about or don't say anything if you don't have enough information.

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