The Power of Language in a Voice and I Am Offering This Poem Essay Example

đź“ŚCategory: Poems
đź“ŚWords: 632
đź“ŚPages: 3
đź“ŚPublished: 11 April 2022

Some say that the strongest feeling in the world is love, and many people show love towards others. Because when you feel love towards someone it’s always best to express your feelings to them. People often have different ways of expressing love, but one of the most popular ways of expressing love towards another is the use of language. “A voice” and “I am offering this poem” both use the  power of language to show love towards another.

The author uses language in “A voice” uses the power of language to portray love towards another through telling her mom how she was inspired. “A voice” is about a girl telling her mexican mother how she was inspired to speak up. She explains how by talking about her mothers life, and how her mothers story inspired her to be confident enough speak up.” She is showing her appreciation to her mother, by telling her how she inspired and help her even though not even knowing, so she said this to her mom. “Your breath moves through the family like the wind moves through the trees.” (paragraph 11) Her mom has impacted the life of her family members in a positive way just by existing, so her daughter is appreciative of this. Since the daughter lives in america, and family used to live in mexico she has had a different experience then her mother did but now that they live in the USA things are different. And she wants to let her mother know that anything is possible, “This is America, Mom. The undo-able is done” 

(paragraph 10) THe daughter is showing how she loves her mom by telling her she can accomplish anything that she wants. Many Authors use language to show love towards another, and show it in different ways. 

“I am offering this poem” uses the power of language to portray love towards another by offering a poem to someone that they love. “I am offering this poem” is a poem of someone expressing their love, but cannot offer anything besides the poem that he is giving to them. And that the poem can fulfill all of their needs. The person who wrote the poem really wanted to show how much this poem really means to the recipient when they say this, “It’s all I have to give, and all anyone needs to live, and to go on living inside, when the world outside no longer cares if you live or die; remember, I love you” (paragraph 7) the person who wrote this poem in saying how much he loves the person that he is writing to. He loves them but cant offer much except this poem. They want the person to know that this poem represents their love for them, and that they should always keep it close when they said this, “Keep it, treasure this as you would if you were lost, needing direction” (paragraph 5) he wants the person to know how much he cares and can always look to them for direction, because of how much that they love the person. “I am offering this poem was a great example of usage of language to express love towards another person.

So many many people have love towards others, so it’s important that they use language express it. Because there are different types of love that language can express that other things can’t. Both “A voice” and “I am offering this poem” provide an example of the usage of language to show love towards others. In the poem “A Voice” The author is telling us how proud she is of her mom and thanking her, because she inspired her to speak up and be the person that she is today. And she uses the poem to express her love towards are mother. And in the poem “ I am offering this poem” the Author is expressing their love to someone but can only offer a poem which is how they are showing their love. It’s always best to use language to express your love to others.

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