The Reality of the American Dream Essay Sample

📌Category: American dream, Philosophy
📌Words: 697
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 21 June 2022

Would any individual be able to accomplish the American Dream life in today's society? Acknowledging the many negatives of change towards society and people, due to their race, beliefs, and the struggle in the economy. The reality of the American Dream is that it is not possible and does not exist in our society today.

As seen in history, race has always been a part of what happens in our world, or in the bigger case, America. There have been many changes made for any race to feel safe here in America, but it still is not the right case towards many innocent people. Kesaya E. Noda scribed in Growing Up Asian in America, “Sometimes when I was growing up, my identity seemed to hurtle toward me and paste itself right to my face. I felt that way, encountering the stereotypes of my race perpetuated by non-Japanese people (primarily white.)” Reading on to what Langston Hughes wrote in his poem, I too,” I am the darker brother. They send me to eat in the kitchen when company comes.” These people feel very discriminated against individuals who are “white Americans”, those heinous actions of those individuals lead for those being discriminated against to feel unwanted and develop unhealthy thinking about their appearances. Their skin type lowers their chances at an American Dream from those “White Americans.”

Besides race being such a big factor in individuals’ lives, the First Amendment guarantees freedoms concerning religion, expression, assembly, and the right to petition. The main point here is religion, though it is an amendment and should be followed through with, many beliefs/religions are not being respected. There are areas in which the practice of religion leads to those practicing to receive punishment/ disrespect. “I still hold to the faith that a better civilization than any we have known is in store for America.” Those words are said by an immigrant in an article, Address on the Occasion of the Fiftieth Anniversary of The Statue of Liberty, October 28, 1936 ,by:FDR. Furthermore, in an image by the name of  “Welcome all!” by Joseph Keppler, the visual is immigrants boarding a ship with a man standing in front of all of them as if he were an American citizen, the ship is being followed by an evil spirit. In front of the ship there is a sign that reads, ‘No oppressive taxes, no expensive kings, no compulsory military service, no knouts or dungeons.’' From that sign, it is concluded that those immigrants are indeed looking for freedom that includes religious freedom. The reality of both the text and the image is that America's promise is not fulfilled the way it is promised. Many religions are being disrespected to a high extent with no consequences from the disrespect. The lack of fulfillment of the promises, leads to the American Dream not being what it used to be, due to the lack of respect for multiple individuals, the American Dream is not possible. 

Equally, as important as race and beliefs, economic problems have risen, decreasing many individuals profit and wage, leaving them to struggle in the economic area. More sorrowful words written by Kesaya E. Noda. “As soon as they began striking for better wages, they were no longer welcomed.” Moreover, David Wallechinsky, the author of Is the American Dream still possible? Has written, “But many average Americans are struggling—squeezed by rising costs, declining wages, credit-card debt and diminished benefits, with little left over to save for retirement.” Continuing reading what is written by David Wallechinsky. “But today that comfortable and contented lifestyle is harder to achieve and maintain.” The words mentioned by those authors suggest the struggle for money, has risen very highly, creating problems for many of those struggling. Thus, not giving them the idea of an American Dream anytime soon in their own lives if they are scrapping any wage they could earn to survive. 

In the final analysis, from all the negative outcomes in recent society, the reality of the American Dream is that it's not possible and does not exist. The negatives include many individuals that are not considered the typical “white American” as well what people believe in, and their placement in grappling economically. Every day is a life struggle to get through day by day for many humans. The amount of jobs lost create an extensive amount of problems, each agonizingly leading to additional catastrophes. These problems are what keep people from achieving simple tasks due to what has ahold/holding them back from an American Dream in life.

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