The Russian Invasion of Ukraine Essay Sample

📌Category: Russo-Ukrainian War, War
📌Words: 628
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 12 October 2022

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has been an absolute disaster for the Ukrainian people. Ukrainian sources estimate an overall death toll of 14,000 total and about 4,000 of them being civilian deaths or 29% of total deaths. Despite this high death count both civilian and soldier alike, this invasion is not a technical genocide.

To get some perspective and understanding of why this invasion took place it's important to discuss the history leading up. Ukraine was separated from the soviet union in 1991 as part of an agreement in the soviet parliament that granted them independence. Later after the soviet collapse and Putin's coming to power we are brought to today. Putin believes Ukraine is part of Russian territory (or maybe he knows for a fact it is not). Either way, the capture of Ukraine would greatly benefit the Russians. If Russia takes over Ukraine they’d be unable to join nato if Ukraine does join nato then with their proximity tensions could arise. In addition, Ukraine is rich in minerals that would greatly serve Russia's economic benefit. Given this for now the intent appears to be for economic power. 

So with the intent being (as far as we know) a land-related issue, an analysis of Russia's actions should be gone over to determine whether these acts are genocidal. Throughout the duration of the ongoing invasion, the Russian army has been verified to have carried out the following crimes. Sexual assault of Ukrainian civilians (check Kharkiv Rape case), targeted artillery bombardment upon noncombat-related structures (homes, apartments, hospitals, schools, etc), and execution of civilians (The Russian army has been proven responsible for execution via firing squad (check Staryi Bykiv execution), and have been speculated to have executed via beheading/dismemberment but this requires further evidence to verify.).  

Now the question arises does this brutality alone deem this genocide? Well, genocide can be defined in numerous ways, hence in many eyes making this one. However, the UN officially defines it as an act ‘with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group” in addition to destruction it could also be. “Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group, deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in parted imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group, forcibly transferring children of the group to another group."   

According to genocide watch, genocide can be identified by following the criteria given. 1 classification (us vs them) 2 symbolism, (titles in place for the separate group)3.discrimination (legislation put in place denying the group certain liberties),4.Dehumanization (stripping of human status, usually referred to during this stage as vermin, insects, or other lower species) 5. organization (organizations prepare for the execution of their objective) 6. Polarization (extreme views develop and people are separated significantly upon views)7.preparation (militias/armies prepare) 8persecution, (the targets are identified and separated.) 9. extermination (the killing of the target.) 10. Denial(afterwords the act of genocide is denied or attempted to be justified,)

Despite its fulfillment of the UN’s list and definition of crimes against humanity, it misses one aspect that would deem this genocide. Until it is officially stated that these crimes are committed “with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group”, (UN genocide definition) these acts cannot be defined as acts of genocide. Jonathan Leader Maynard, lecturer in international politics at King's College London, states “the evidence is still too unclear under the strict wording of the Genocide Convention.” In other words, since the UN has made the term genocide only be applied to actions that follow strict criteria regarding intent. The Russian  invasion cannot be classified as genocide.

With all this information given, until further information is provided the Russians cannot be accused of genocide. Due to the fact they have not stated their intent to wipe out Ukrainian people in addition to taking their land, this cannot be legally classified as genocide. In conclusion, no the Russians have not committed a technical genocide in Ukraine until further notice.

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